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Allies for Freedom
A nonprofit publication and education site on John Brown's war on slavery; includes online research essays, reviews, photos.
Harpers Ferry NHP: John Brown's Fort
Photos and information on the structure in the national park in which John Brown and several of his followers barricaded themselves during the final hours of their ill-fated raid.
HarpersFerry National Historical Park
Read the history of this park which witnessed John Brown's attack on slavery and the education of former slaves in one of the earliest integrated schools.
John Brown
A comprehensive history of John Brown's raid, including a narrative summary, chronology, eyewitness accounts, newspaper reports, and other primary sources.
John Brown
Vintage photograph, vital statistics and biographical information.
John Brown (1800-1859)
Information on the life of the abolitionist and reproduction of his speech before the court when on trial for treason.
John Brown Raid Photos/Illustrations
Images representing the life of John Brown.
John Brown's Ghost
Tells the story of John Brown's raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, by discussing local feelings regarding the presence of a ghost in the town, including information on ghost tours.
John Brown's Raid
In the winter of 1857-58, Brown collected a number of young men in that territory, including several of his sons, and, with the use of funds and arms that had been furnished for his Kansas operations, placed these men under military instruction.
John Brown, American Abolitionist
Comprehensive information from site sponsored by the John Brown Historical Foundation, Inc.
The American Experience ; John Brown's Holy W
From the PBS television program.
The American Experience: John Brown's Holy Wa
An in-depth look at radical abolitionist John Brown, his followers, and their raid on Harpers Ferry.