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A Reminiscence of the Boer War in 1848
An account of the earliest battles with the Boers and the part played by Sir Harry Smith first published in 1899.
Alan Fogg's Boer War Site
This site introduces a book detailing the activities of an Australian Unit" the 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, in the Anglo Boer War 1901 - 1902.
Anglo Boer War Museum
Virtual museum concerning the South African War between the British and Boer forces in 1899 - 1902.
Anglo-Boer War Centenary
Collection of resources relating to the war and its centenary (on 11th Oct 1999).
Anglo-Boer War Memorials Project
An effort to record, catalogue and photograph all Anglo-Boer War memorials in the world, build a list of thsoe named on the memorials, and encourage the preservation and study of the memorials. Site includes report form, current survey, and links to memorial websites.
Anglo-Boer War Town Guard Forts in the Eastern Cap
From The South African Military History Society's Military History Journal.
Blockhouses of the Boer War
Illustrated article on the strongpoints built by Kitchener in the latter stages of the war. From Colonial Conquest magazine.
Boer War Diary
The 1899-1902 diary of Alfred Collett, written on the field during the 2nd Anglo-Boer War.
Boer War Diary
Diary by Col John Edward Pine-Coffin D.S.O., mounted infantry. Including photographs of the time and newspaper cuttings of his exploits.
Cambridgeshire Boer War Memorial
Details of the men found on the Cambridgeshire Boer War Memorial.
Ely Cathedral Boer War Memorial
Roll of men listed on the memorial.
John Jackson's Diary: Twelve Months Active Se
Eye-witness account of a soldier's life in active service the Second Boer War, written by a private in the 9th Foot.
Military History Journal
Published by the South African Military History Society, many articles on the Boer War are available on-line.
New Zealand's Participation in the South Afri
Online exhibition which includes over 50 images, sound files and transcripts from letters and newspapers.
The Anglo-Boer War in East London
The effects of the war on this Eastern Cape harbour town. Includes information on the concentration camp that was sited there.
The Boer War (South Africa, 1899-1902)
Provides a general overview of the conflict, with external links for biographical figures.
The Records of "I" Company. A Brief Hist
This site contains the war diary of Private A.G. Garrish, a particpant in the South African (Boer) War from January 1900 to June 1901.
Victoria Cross awards for service in the Boer War
Plain text listing of men who received Britain's most prestgious medal for valour in the Anglo-Boer War.