english deutsch
Anarchist Revolution
Anarchism in the Spanish Revolution of 1936, Anarchism in the Spanish revolution of 1936, Collectives In Spain, Essays on the Spanish Civil War, Spanish Revolution of 1936, The Durruti Column, The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939 - Contents, Workers Power and the Spanish Revolution
Durruti, Buenaventura
Buenaventura Durruti, Buenaventura Durruti, Buenaventura Durruti, Buenaventura Durruti Archive, Buenaventura Durruti by Peter E Newell, Durruti Is Dead, Yet Living, Durruti's Archive, Getting to Know Durruti, The Durruti Column
Franco, Francisco
Francisco Franco, Francisco Franco, Francisco Franco - Wikipedia, Franco's Ties with Germany, General Franco, Francisco Franco, Spanish Civil Wa
Nin, Andres
Andres Nin, POUM - Workers Party of Marxist Unification, Stalinism and the POUM in the Spanish Revolution, The P.O.U.M. in Spain, Trotsky and the POUM
After Fifty Years: The Spanish Civil War
A history of the Spanish libertarian and anarchist movement with a look back at the Spanish Civil War.
Blood of Spain: an Oral History
Danny Yee reviews Ronald Fraser's oral history of the Spanish Civil War.
Books on the Civil War reviewed
Danny Yee reviews a range of books on the Spanish Civil War.
Encyclopaedia of the Spanish Civil War
Comprehensive encyclopaedia of the Spanish Civil War, including main events and issues, political and military organizations, battles and personalities.
Essays on the Spanish Civil War
First-hand material written by Albert Weisbord in Spain during the Civil War/Revolution.
Images from the Spanish Revolution of 1936
A collection of images from the Spanish Revolution of 1936 and in particular the role of the anarchists.
International Office for Children
Personal account of the activities of the IOC, which during the Spanish Civil War sent international food aid to the region's children.
La Cucaracha
Illustrated diary of the war, with pictures and an extensive link collection. Text in English, Spanish and German.
No pasaran 1936 Spanish Civil war
Extensive information about the Spanish Civil War preserving the memory of people who fight against fascism.
Pawns in the Game
A pair of essays on the Spanish Revolution and Civil War by William G. Carr.
Spanish Civil War Archive
Collection of links and images from "an Online Research Center on the History and Theory of Anarchism".
Spanish Civil War Factbook
A timeline of Spanish Civil War with information on foreign support, the International brigades and a glossary. Text in English and Swedish.
Stalin Betrays Spain
Documents on how Stalin's machinations betrayed the left during the Spanish Civil War and helped Franco win.
The Spanish Revolution (Civil War) of 1936
Large collection of articles, documents and images that focusses on the role of the anarchists.
They Still Draw Pictures
A collection of drawings made during the Spanish Civil War by Spanish school children, with an introduction by Aldous Huxley.
Women in the Spanish Revolution
The story of the "Mujeres Libres" (Free Women) movement and journal and their role within Spanish activism.