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Hiroshima and Nagasaki
A Personal Record of Hiroshima A-bomb Survival, A-Bomb WWW Museum, Accounts of A Bomb Victims - Hand this down to , Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, Bomb Damage In Japan, Damages Caused by Atomic Bombs, Dr. Raisuke Shirabe's Memoir of the Nagasaki , Hiroshima and Nagasaki Images, Hiroshima Archive, Hiroshima Bombing: Eyewitness Account
Manhattan Project
Children of the Manhattan Project, Enrico Fermi - Manhattan Project, History and Ethics Behind the Manhattan Project, Manhattan Project, Manhattan Project Links, Manhattan Project Resources, The Bomb That Fell on Niagara, The Manhattan Project Site
USS Indianapolis
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, The Search for the USS Indianapolis, U.S.S Indianapolis CA-35, USS Indianapolis, USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
Atomic Bomb: Decision
Official American documents and personal accounts on the decision to use atomic armaments on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 respectively.
Atomic Bombing Information Links
Collection of annotated links relating to the atomic bombing of Japan. Includes Historical, General, Visual, Commentary and Memorial sites.
Atomic Bombs
A large collection of links to information relating to the atomic bombing of Japan, it's aftermath, contemporary opinions regarding the necessity of the bombing, peace sites and other material.
Atomic Central
A collection of material on the development and use of the atomic bomb as well as the effects on society of the existence of the bomb. Includes photos, video clips, atomic tests, accidents and links.
Documents Relating to the Development of the Atomi
Large, comprehensive collection of online documents relating to the bombing and the issues surrounding it.
Fifty years from Trinity
A group of articles from the Seattle Times to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the first nuclear test (code named Trinity).
Hiroshima Live Project
Multimedia presentation on the annual Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony. Includes photographs, audio and video clips and text of the ceremony with material translated into several languages.
Hiroshima: Was It Absolutely Necessary?
Article examining the circumstances in existence prior to the bombing that could have influenced the decision to use the bomb against Japan. Proposes and alternate solution to end the war. Includes sources.
Hiroshima: Was it Necessary?
Article and quotes which explore the premise that the a-bombings of Japan were probably not necessary to conclude the war. Includes diary excerpts from Truman and Stimson, bibliography, biographies of major figures and links.
Living With War
Describes the example of the Dine, a nomadic people in Northern Canada who were made to extract resources for atomic weapons of mass destruction, and went to Japan after the war to apologize for their involvement.
Official Bombing Order, July 25, 1945
Original text of the order authorizing the use of atomic weapons against Japan written by General Groves, signed by General Handy and approved by President Truman and Secretary of War Stimson.
Swords and Ploughshares
Collection of articles relating to the use of the atomic bomb on Japan on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. Special issue of the bulletin of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The Atom Bomb
Covers the World War II bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Including analysis of reasons for dropping the atom bomb, the Manhattan project and Truman's speech
The Atomic Bomb -- Truman's Decision
Discusses the apportionment of blame, options to the use of the bomb, the impact of the bomb on Japan, and the impact of the use of the bomb on the world. Includes links to further information and photos.
The Atomic Bomb is Dropped
Photographs, description and the original sound recording of the announcement of the bombing provided by the Bellingham Antique Radio Museum.
The Bomb: When the Earth Caught Fire
This examination of popular news media in the months after the atomic bombing of Japan demonstrates the highly contradictory emotions of American scientists, politicians, and the public toward atomic armaments.
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb
A well-referenced study of the American decision to use the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Text document.
The Final Months of the War With Japan
Monograph from the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence discusses the planning for invasion, alternative scenarios, signal intelligence data, and the decision to use the bomb.
The Last Wave from Port Chicago, by Peter Vogel
Details of the July 17, 1944 explosion at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine. Some documents and circumstances point to this possibly being the first ever nuclear explosion.
The Nuclear Weapons Archive
Guide to the development of nuclear weapons in the nuclear capable countries. Discusses the history of testing, technology, the scientists, weapons development labs, the Manhattan Project, and the bombing of Japan. Includes links, photos and background information.
What it looks like today, what it looked like in 1945, the history of the Manhattan Project and the theory and reasons behind the bomb.
Trinity Site
The National Atomic Museum's history of the first atomic bomb test at Trinity Site in New Mexico.
Truman?s Motivations: Using the Atomic Bomb in the
A research paper examining Truman's motivations for using the Atomic bomb against Japan during World War II. Answers the question: Was the bomb needed?
United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary Re
Original text of the report on the conduct of the bombing campaign against Japan in the Pacific outlining the factors which influenced decisions in planning. Describes the effects of the atomic bombing in the context of the overall bombing campaign.