english deutsch
American University of Beirut: Edward Said
Transcript of the commencement address delivered by Prof. Said to the Class of 2000.
Edward Said
An obituary for the literary critic and advocate of the Palestinian cause by Malise Ruthven in the Guardian.
Out of the Shadows
Profiling Edward Said and refuting the allegations of critics who allege that he misrepresented his past.
Reviews of Edward Said's Works
A bibliographic index of offline scholarly reviews of the works of Edward Said, provided by the University of California, Irvine Library.
Salon.com: Ivory Tower
An ezine review of Said's memoir, "Out of Place."
The Edward Said Archive
Unofficial site, presenting Dr. Said's writings and responding to his critics.
The Nation - The Commentary School of Falsificatio
Rebutting attacks on Edward Said's background and status as a Palestinian refugee.
The New Criterion: Edward Said's Orientalism
Keith Windschuttle's critical review of the political themes underlying Said's "Orientalism."