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1920's Timeline
This timeline is divided year/month/day, listing all major and some minor events of the 1920s.
1980's Timeline
Major events that occurred during the decade of 1980.
Age of Exploration Timeline
A simple chronology of exploration from 3200 B.C. - 1779 A.D.
Atomic Age Timelines
Links to timelines for : Counterculture, Cuban Missile Crisis, TV, Vietnam, American Civil Rights Movement, LSD, and the 1950's.
Caronia (II) Time-Line Project
Charting the day to day position of Cunard's "Green Goddess" the world famous cruise liner RMS Caronia.
Christianity Timeline
Chronology of 19th Century and Victorian Era Event
Illustrated timeline marking developments in Western technology and politics.
Chronology of Personal Computers
Timeline of microcomputers from the development of the microprocessor in the 1960s through to the present day.
Coconut Time Line
Key knowledge on the coconut palm and where to find the information.
Composer Timeline
Graphical timeline of famous classical music composers.
Food Timeline
The origins of foods, historic recipes, extensive teaching resources and web links.
Geological, Pre-Historic Timelines.
From Scribe Communications: Timeline database with search and timelines covering geological eras.
Great Moments In Multimedia History
Explores the origins and evolution of the components that comprise modern-day mass media and multimedia.
History of Science and Social Science Timeline
Links the history of science and socia; science to online editions of significant texts and figures.
Holocaust Timeline
A chronicle of the Nazi persecution of the Jews. -The History Place -
Holocaust Timeline
From the Never Again, Always and Forever (NAAF) Holocaust Project.
Marks in the Evolution of Western Thinking About N
A chronology from the 7th millenium BC to the present day, with brief explanations of events in the history of Western natural philosophy and science.
Nuclear Age Timeline
A chronological record of the nuclear age: links to people, documents and educational units. Explore political and ethical dilemmas of the Nuclear Age.
Physics Timeline (1896 to present)
American Physical Society site explores developments in physics along with their historical context.
Piracy Timeline
Events in the history of maritime piracy.
Poetry, English.
(658-present) English poetry from the University of Toronto's Department of English.
Psychology Timeline
TimeLine of Psychological Ideas, by Marcos Emanoel Pereira.
Rocket History Timeline
An overview of the development of rocketry.
Romani (Gypsy) History.
(400-present) The history of the Rom, Roma or Romani people.
Science Timelines by PSIgate
A selection of notable events in the scientific world from prehistoric times to the present, broken down into different subject areas.
Sociology Timeline
(1600-present) By Ed Stephan.
Teutonic Knights
Timeline of the Order.
The History of Computing Project
A detailed timeline on the history of computing including hardware, software, pioneers and references.
Timeline of the Holocaust
A Timeline of the Holocaust (1919-1946)
Vietnam Online Timeline
Interactive timeline that chronicles the American Experience in Vietnam -- 1945 through 1997.
WarScholar's Military History Timeline
A comprehensive and comparative listing of major wars from all over the globe, organized by region, from ca. 3000 B.C. to the present day; links to encyclopedia articles for each conflict.
World War 2 Timeline
(1939-1945) Detailing every wartime event, day by day.
World War Two in Europe Timeline
Complete World War Two in Europe timeline with photos, text, and over 100 links
WWII and Korean War TimeLine
Important events from 1933 to 1953 from KilroyWasHere.org.