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All-4-Free Freebie Tree
Provides pranks, jokes, and downloadable freebies.
April Fool's Day Prank Software
Offers free harmless joke and prank software.
April Fools Message of the Day
A collection of Internet/computer April Fool's Jokes from 1991 to 2001.
April Fools on the Net
An archive of net humor, pranks, jokes and foolishness.
April Fools Practical Jokes Gag Gifts
Contains a list of pranks from 1990 to present day. Also includes ideas for gag pranks.
April Fools' Special: History's Hoaxes
National Geographic compilation that includes explanation of how some hoaxes were done, how they were spread, and eventually debunked. Includes definition and history.
Microsoft Buys the Open Directory -- or Not
Information about 2002 "acquisition" of the ODP by Microsoft. Includes a screen shot of what the main web page looked like.
The Kremvax Incident
Describes story of how the USSR joined the Internet in 1984. Include original usenet posting and followup. Maintained by the perpetrator himself.
The Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Ti
An illustrated list, by Alex Boese.