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Carolina Haunts
Listings in North and South Carolina. Includes houses, trails, and hayrides.
Dark Side of the Net: Halloween
Many links for haunted attractions and other events across the United States.
Denver Haunted Houses and Halloween Haunted House
A guide featuring what events are in the area, with maps, discounts, and free stuff.
Publishes a Halloween guide, listing some of the best attractions in Downriver Michigan and throughout the southeast.
Halloween Haunt Finder
Online guide to Halloween haunts and haunted attractions.
Haunt Freaks
Provides reviews of haunted attractions, movies, and books. Also includes stories, monster art, and message board.
Haunt Search
Comprehensive haunted attraction directory of attractions in the U.S. and Canada, with photos, online magazine, and user reviews.
Haunted House
Offers a large directory of Halloween haunted houses, paranormal activities, and shopping.
Haunted Houses
A haunted house directory and scary movie review database.
Haunted Houses and Attractions
Database of US Halloween attractions, grouped by state.
Haunted Houses in USA and Canada
A listing of haunted houses in Canada and the USA, broken down by state/province and locality, with a paragraph description of each site, including contact information.
Haunted Illinois
Links, prop ideas, a defense of Halloween, and current Illinois haunted house listings.
Haunted Indiana.com
Describes haunted attractions in different parts of the state. Includes information about places that supposedly really are haunted and ghost hunter links.
Maggot Muncher's Haunted House Directory
Haunted Houses listed by state, from California to New York.
The Chancery House
A British based links collection of haunted and Halloween related sites.
Ticket For Fun
Halloween and Autumn activities at amusement parks and attractions. Searches events in various countries.
Yard Haunts
Directory of yard and home haunts across America.
Your On-Line Haunted House Guide
Tips and designs for those who want to learn how to create their own haunted house fundraiser. Includes some legal and safety issues.