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Contains over 50 miscellaneous Halloween web sites.
Halloween Horror WebRing
Welcomes all sites with Gothic, horror, or generally creepy, crawly themes.
Halloween Lives Here
A long list of over 350 personal Halloween sites.
Halloween's Horror Ring
With 65 personal sites on Halloween.
Halloween's Ring of Terror
Over 60 sites on scaring things up for Halloween.
Halloween-I Webring
Over 40 sites from Halloween enthusiasts giving information on making a scary Halloween.
Halloween-L Webring
Contains over 35 personal Halloween enthusiast's sites.
Haunt Your House
Contains haunted attraction websites for home haunts and professional haunts on the net.
Howl 2000
Homepage for Howl 2000 webring and mailing list.
Lords of Fear Prop Builders Group
Ring of sites about haunt props and prop building.
The Haunt Your Home Webring
New, independent ring of sites with home haunting and decorating projects.
World of Horror Webring
Over 200 sites about Halloween, haunted fun, and terror.