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A Biblical Perspective on Abortion, Aborted Exegesis, Abortion: The Issue That Won't Go Away, Answering the Theological Case for Abortion Rights, Arguments Against Abortion, Biblical Prophecy Resource Center - Abortion, Healing after Abortion, Is Abortion Biblical?, The Bible and Abortion - The Biblical Basis for a , The Bible's Teaching Against Abortion
9 Reasons Why Abortions Should Be Illegal
Challenges Planned Parenthood's "9 Reasons Why Abortions Are Legal".
A Pro Life Article on Abortion by Author Sonny Har
Author Sonny Harper speaks her mind about abortion in this anti-abortion article.
Abortion and the Supreme Court: Advancing the Cult
A National Conference of Catholic Bishops essay on the 'abortion culture' and attacking the Supreme Court ruling allowing partial-birth abortions.
Abortion Arguments, Information, and Views
A collection of opinions on, and suggested solutions to, the abortion issue, with assessments of the latest developments and health concerns.
Abortion Essays
Collection of essays that explores the basis and morality of abortion.
Abortion, Breast Cancer, and Ideology
Argues that bias interferes with the conclusions between abortions and the rate of breast cancer.
An Acceptable Protest
Equates the principles of Martin Luther King Jr.'s nonviolent protests to pro-life human rights protests.
Ceases to Amaze
A pastor describes his frustration with the black community's continued allegiance to those who have "stripped and decimated" their people. From the Life Education And Resource Network, a Christian anti-abortion organization.
Chicken Koop
Letters, printed in The American Spectator, exchanged between Gregg L. Cunningham of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop in the days following President Clinton's address to a joint session of Congress on national health care reform.
Confession of an Ex-Abortionist by Dr. Bernard Nat
An account of how abortion came to be legalized in America, and why one of its principle proponents switched sides.
Essays from a Pro-life Liberal
Opposition to abortion from a liberal's viewpoint, by Jim Trageser.
Great Quotes from Pro-Life Feminists
Some modern feminists explain their reasons for opposing abortion.
High Court is determined to make abortion zealots
Tony Snow attacks the Supreme Court decision in Stenberg v. Carhart.
In Honor of Those That Never Lived Outside the Wom
A look at common reasons and rationalizations of abortion today. Includes statistics.
Inconvenient Lives
Robert Bork expresses concern with the current protected status of abortion, as well as the broader cultural implications of such acceptance.
Is Abortion Murder?
Attacks two feminist essays and states that abortion under any circumstance is the same as murder.
Jewish Look at Abortion
Gives a Jewish pro-life views on abortion, and argues why no Jew should be pro-choice.
Klusendorf disputes new woman-centred pro-life str
Argues any move to deviate from the right-to-life position in order to make it more attractive to a mass audience would be disastrous for the pro-life cause.
Letter to Paul Hill
Rebuke of Paul Hill's killing of an abortion provider, with a critique of vigilantism.
Matters of Life and Death [TownHall.com]
Examines the issues on legislation that makes a man who abuses his pregnant wife and kills the fetus she carries a murderer.
No Violence Period
Takes the view that opposing militarism, the death penalty, and abortion are related; contains over 100 articles.
Pro-Life Groups would make fatal mistake heeding H
Questions a Catholic bishop's complaints that pro-lifers' focus on the humanity of the unborn hurts the cause.
Protecting Babies Born Alive [Jewish World Review]
Atheist columnist Nat Hentoff examines the views of some abortion rights supporters in their opposition to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.
Rightgrrl's Abortion Information Center
Essays by conservative columnist Carolyn Gargaro against abortion.
Roe v. McCorvey
Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, recounts her journey to becoming a pro-life activist.
Stand To Reason - Commentaries on Abortion
Collection of several essays against abortion by Stand To Reason, a conservative Christian religious site.
Stop the Violence!
Argues that clinic bombings and violence against abortion providers goes against everything the pro-life movement stands for.
Supreme Court plays bait-and-switch in abortion ca
Argues that the decision in Stenberg v. Carhart requires more anti-abortion Supreme Court justices.
The Abortion Cocktail
A former abortion provider (now a pro-life doctor) reviews the history of chemical abortifacients.
The Calloused Conscience [TownHall.com]
Writes on the passage of the Unborn Victims Act in 2001 and possible ramifications. By Paul Greenberg, a conservative author.
The Kidney Patient Analogy: A Reply
Argues against the pro-choice argument (also known as the Violinist Argument) that it is unjust to force a pregnant mother to sacrifice to preserve the life of someone else.
The Myth of Prochoice Neutrality 25 Years After Ro
Francis J. Beckwith attempts to explain that the government has made statements on when life begins.
The Vanishing Pro-Life Apologist
Scott Klusendorf attacks the idea that pro-life advocates should reconsider their arguments or risk alienating women of childbearing age.
There Is No Choice For Silence
Speech by Alan Keyes to Republicans during the 1996 Presidential campaign.
Twisting PETA's Tail
CBR article claiming a philosophical inconsistency in the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' entrance into the abortion fray.
Unborn Victims Act Exposes A Lie [TownHall.com]
Conservative writer Don Feder writes on the Unborn Victims Act and the opposition it has aroused.
Unheralded Good
Hadley Arkes, one of the architects of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, explains the watershed passage of the bill.[National Review]
University Faculty for Life
A collection of pro-life essays by the University Faculty for Life, a national organization promoting scholarship on pro-life issues.
Use ultrasound to combat abortion [Jewish World Re
Suggests that ultrasound exams might prevent more abortions than pro-life politicians.
Why Abortion is Genocide
Argues that abortion is genocide, and compares it to the Holocaust, Pol Pot's slaughter of Cambodians, and racist lynchings. From CBR.
WorldNetDaily: Why Abortion is Still Illegal
Joseph Farrah asserts that abortion is unlawful according to the US Constitution.
Your Right to Know the Facts Before Your Baby Is A
Online brochure containing facts about fetal development, abortion, and easy adoptions for birth-mothers. Also available in eBooks Microsoft Reader format. Web site also contains a number of Christian brochures.