english deutsch
Ananova - Animal rights demo 'could spread di, Guardian - Animal rights bomb sent to charity shop, Guardian - Animal testing is a disaster, Guardian - Belling the cat, Guardian - Blair 'on the side of science&apos, Guardian - Bombings fear as device left at pub, Guardian - Crank or campaigner? After ten nail bom, Guardian - Haphazard army with the scent of victor, Guardian - Intimidation by animal rights protester, Guardian - Running scared
NPR: Animal Experimentation / Animal Rights, Observer: Science rights, Times:The shoddy sentiment that puts Courtney the
Guardian Education: Government backs vivisection, Guardian: Tests on animals vital for science - min, Observer: Snubbed honours scientist 'to quit&, Scotsman: Scientist threatens to quit over lack of, Telegraph: Ultimatum to Blair on animal experiment
Seattle P-I - Animals and Research
A five-part series. Northwest physicians and researchers discuss why, despite vehement objections, there's value in using animals in medical research.