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A Critique of Maternal Deprivation Experiments on
Experiments at The State University of New York Health Science Center. From Medical Research Modernization Committee (MRMC).
Animal Defenders Australia
Created to oppose a 5 millon dollar grant recently awarded to Monash University for Australia's first ever National Primate Breeding and Research Facility, at Churchill.
Chimpanzees: Test results that don't apply to
From the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).
Help End Chimpanzee Experimentation
Seeks to end all chimpanzee experimentation.
In Defense of Animals: Boycott OHSU
Claims fraudulent research and cruel primate experiments at Oregon Health & Sciences University. Photos, articles, links to related sites, and contact information for OHSU.
Innocent Victims
Personal page about the nature of chimpanzee experimentation and the need to end it. Includes information on experiments at the Coulston Foundation and legislation to create a sanctuary for research chimps.
MRMC: Aping Science - A Critical Analysis of Resea
By Murry J. Cohen M.D., Stephen R. Kaufman M.D., Brandon P. Reines M.D. Summary and ordering information for the book. From Medical Research Modernization Committee.
Primates in Peril - Humans Kill off Cousins
Hunting and the steady loss of forests have made primates the most imperiled group of mammals on the planet, a private group says. Only one species is increasing in numbers: humans. The Associated Press.
Spiked - The Great Ape Debate
Helene Guldberg discusses a campaign to end the use of great apes in medical experiments.
The King of Chimp Exploitation - Fredrick Coulston
Coulston controls nearly 750 chimpanzees, more than half the chimps available for biomedical research in the entire country. Now is taking over another primate laboratory. U.S. News and World Report.