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Personal Pages
Ban the Hunt UK, Kansas' Rattlesnake Roundups, Stop the Use of Inhumane Traps, The Blood Zone, Traditional Hunting
Council of Europe: Convention on the Conservation
Information of the treaty (ETS 104), including the full text, chart of signatures and ratifications, list of declarations and reservations, summary and explanatory report. Europe.
Dolphins, Turtles and Dynamite
Campaigning against the use of dynamite in the San Bernadino Strait, Philippines. Includes information, articles and related links. Romeo Airbone, USA.
Hunting and Fishing
From an Animal Rights FAQ. David Pearce. Brighton, UK.
Hunting and Hunt Saboteurs
The history and theory of hunt sabbing. By Elizabeth Stokes at the School of Law, University of East London, UK.
Independent - Conservationists fear for safety of
Alex Duval Smith in Johannesberg.
The European Commission: The European Community an
News, background to the EU and wildlife trade, EU wildlife trade legislation, the EC and CITES, useful information, the Committee on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora, Scientific Review Group, Enforcement Group and links to other sites. Europe.