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Animadversion RSPCA
Weblog of articles and case-studies critical of the RSPCA. Suggestions on how to deal with RSPCA inspectors and archives of Watchdog, the newsletter published by and for members of the RSPCA.
Animal "Rights"
Jim Powlesland. Links to articles and sites about animal rights, especially as associated with hunting and biomedical research.
Animal Owners United
Presents the case for animal welfare and against animal rights. Includes message board and links.
Debunking the animal rights movement. Weblog, FAQ, emailed newsletter, discussion group and online store.
Non-profit organization providing information about PETA and other animal rights organizations. Contains news, quotes, facts and links.
Anti Peta Web Ring
Collection os web sites explaining why PETA should not be allowed to force their belief system on everyone else. Includes sites on beef, milk, pets and hunting.
Ayn Rand Institute: Animal "Rights&qu
Edwin Locke, Ph.D. An Objectivist response to AR: Only man has the power to deal with other members of his own species by voluntary means: rational persuasion and a code of morality rather than physical force. To claim that man's use of animals is immoral is to claim that we have no right to our own lives.
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise: Animal
Focused especially on the financial information of the AR groups of PETA, Defenders of Wildlife, Farm Animal Reform Movement and United Poultry Concerns. More extensive details on PETA such as news articles, news releases and its history including the current status of the IRS complaint against PETA. Cartoons and mail.
NAIA - National Animal Interest Alliance
Association of business, agricultural, scientific, and recreational interests protecting and promoting humane practices and relationships between people and animals. Includes legislation watch.
Objectivist Centre: FAQ: Animal Rights
Damian Moskovitz explains the Objectivist view of animal rights, animal cruelty and vegetarianism.
People Against Treating Humans Worse than Animals,
Anti-animal rights organization. Details of campaigns, essays on ethics and other resources.
PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals
A resource for those who enjoy eating meat, wearing fur and leather, hunting, and the fruits of scientific research. Includes articles, guest book comments and hate mail received. Michael Doughney.
The Anti-Anti-Hunting (pro) & Anti-AR (anti) B
Ridiculing the wacko fringe, particularly if that intolerance is violent or politically motivated. Directory of news articles, petitions and AR job openings plus legal information, videos and scams. Links to other anti-AR sites, both serious and satirical.
The Essayist: Can Dish it Out; Can't Take It
What PETA gets, and doesn't get, about parody from a writer who believes that people should be free to pursue happiness in whatever way they choose, as long as it doesn't negatively impact another's freedom to do the same.