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HSUS - Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act
Animal People - Dogfight on the Western Front
News about dogfighting in Europe and the United States. USA.
Anti Bullfighting Campaign (ABC)
A source of information plus news from all over the world. Spain and The Netherlands.
Observer - Bloodsport gamblers fuel inner city coc
Tony Thompson, crime correspondent. The recent rise is being attributed to bouts which take place in inner city locations, particularly in Birmingham, Bradford and Leicester. UK.
Observer - BSE rules threaten bullfight fiestas
Emma Daly in Madrid. The famous Iberian fighting bull is threatened by mad cow disease, although no case has ever been found among these privileged animals, which spend their first four years running wild and feeding on grass, hay and vegetable proteins. UK.
WSPA - Culture Without Cruelty
Stories about campaigns against bullfighting in France, Mexico, Spain, Panama, Portugal, Estonia and Cuba. From World Society for the Protection of Animals.