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ACLU Tells Richmond to Stop Harassing Animal Right
The ACLU has warned city police to cease interfering with the Richmond Animal Rights Network's demonstrations before performances of the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Bailey Circus at the Richmond Coliseum. ACLU press release.
BBC - Protect circus animals call
Big top owners and animal welfare groups are demanding a change in the law to protect circus animals.
BBC News: 'Care orders' for suffering an
A bill to allow commercial animals suffering cruelty to be "taken into care" has been backed by peers. The Protection of Animals (Amendment) Bill would apply to farm and circus animals, guard dogs, sniffer dogs, and animals kept in pet shops in England and Wales.
BBC News: Animals banned from Big Top
Singapore bans wild animals being used in circus shows, citing concerns about public safety and the welfare of animals.
BBC News: Circus mass ends Vatican jubilee
By David Willey in Rome. The Pope holds a special mass dedicated to the world of entertainment, in St Peter's Square. "Healthy entertainment is good for body and soul," the Pope said.
BBC News: Jumbo race 'a big success'
Europe's first elephant races goes ahead near Berlin despite protests from animal rights groups.
Guardian - Fury at 'paltry' fine on circ
Animal rights campaigners condemned the fine instead of a jail sentence imposed yesterday on the circus trainer. By Audrey Gillan.
Guardian - Tears of a clown
The precarious status of the circus in the UK. By Dea Birkett.
Guardian - The show must go on
When Mary Chipperfield was convicted of cruelty to her baby chimp last week, the most famous name in British circus was disgraced. But animal protestors have been targeting circuses for years, regardless of how they treat their animals. Hounding them out of business is no answer. By Dea Birkett.
Independent - Ministers face outrage as draft code
Marie Woolf, chief political correspondent.
Observer - 'The chimp is screaming. Mary lash
Mary Chipperfield, the youngest member of the 300-year-old circus dynasty, will be sentenced next month. Her crimes emerged when animal rights activists Terry Stocker and Rachel White infiltrated the Chipperfield circus. The Observer has obtained the activists' secret diaries, which paint a brutal picture of the dark side of circus life.
Protesters try to stop Shriners' circus
Protest in Pointe-Claire, Quebec.
Seattle P-I - Caged protester draws police, press
A silent act of protest by PETA against the confinement of wild animals by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Clad in only a bikini bottom and paint, a 24-year-old Bellevue woman sat in a wire cage during yesterday's lunch hour at Westlake Plaza. By Gordy Holt.
Seattle P-I - Circus animals in spotlight of debat
By Kery Murakami.
Seattle P-I - The circus -- still -- is coming to
City Council rejects 'exotic animal' ban. By Kery Murakami.
Telegraph - Abused animals settle into their new h
Several of the animals featured in Mary Chipperfield's court case are now happily established in new homes.
Telegraph - Chipperfield daughter gets licence
The daughter of Mary Chipperfield, the circus trainer who was fined last year for cruelty to a chimpanzee, has received a licence to keep wild animals at the farm where the offence was committed. By Michael Fleet.
Telegraph - US faces big top elephant ban
About the Captive Elephant Accident Prevention Act in the US Congress. By James Langton.
The Florida Times-Union - Ringling elephant mistre
One year after beginning his career with The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Kenny the baby elephant died in Jacksonville after performing two shows in one day. By Derek L. Kinner.