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Greyhound Protection League
Dedicated to banning greyhound racing. Includes information about abuses, links to greyhound adoption programs, and merchandise for sale. Illinois, US.
Greyhounds UK
Campaigning for the welfare of racing greyhounds. Includes their submission of 'Evidence to the Gambling Review'. UK.
Idaho Citizens Against Greyhound Entertainment
Anti-racing group dedicated to enlightening the world to the abuse and cruelty the greyhound racing industry inflicts on these dogs. Idaho, US.
Save the Greyhound Dogs
Dedicated to ending the suffering of greyhound dogs worldwide, to be achieved by public education and ending greyhound racing. Vermont, US.
Sled Dog Action Coaliton
Working to stop the Iditarod by ending company sponsorship. Information about the race, the mushers, the dogs, the vets, the media and recreational mushing. Florida, US.