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AARP: Bum Job Leads
AARP scam alert about Bernard Haldane Associates.
Asktheheadhunter.com: Bernard Haldane
Professional headhunter explains how Bernard Haldane has been "busted" in several states by promising jobhunters access to the "secret job market" for a fee.
Bernard Haldane Associates Scam
Article about the techniques used by Bernard Haldane Associates to sell their service.
Better Business Bureau of the Southland on Bernard
BBB rated the company as having an unsatisfactory business performance record based on a pattern of complaints alleging unfulfilled contracts.
Comments on Minnesota's Fraud lawsuit Against
A blog entry discussing Minnesota's lawsuit narrates negative experience of a few former clients of the firm.
Illinois Attorney General files suit against Berna
Press release from Illinois Attorney General about an investigation of Bernard Haldane Associates business practices.
Illinois Charges Bernard Haldane Co. With Deceivin
The career counseling company allegedly deceived its clients to obtain advance fees for its services.
Job Scammers Pocket Thousands
Prosecutors charge that Bernard Haldane lures job seekers by promising access to a "secret job market." CBS News.
Minnesota Sues Bernard Haldane Associates for frau
Among other charges, the lawsuit claims that the firm misrepresents its exclusive access to employment opportunities and its relationship with potential employers and recruiters.
The job hustle, Illinois Attorney General Opens in
CBS2 in Chicago goes undercover to expose Bernard Haldane Associates business practices.