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Ballmer weeps for Windows
Microsoft releases video clip of Steve Ballmer in court, explaining how they are the real victims.
Bipartisan letter turned into attack on Microsoft&
A congressman from Microsoft Corp.'s home state has been criticized by the chairman of a House technology committee for an attack on the free software movement.
Compulsory Windows: for Macs, and people without P
Microsoft wants your schools to buy software they can't use.
Dead people rise in support of Microsoft
Seems there is spare time to write your congressman from the grave.
EU may fine Microsoft
The European Commission may fine Microsoft up to $2.5bn (£1.75bn) but says its investigation is still at an early stage.
EU to fine Microsoft
Finds that Microsoft had abused its Windows monopoly, harming consumers and competitors, and is expected to fine an unprecedented amount. [Guardian]
Halloween VII: Survey Says
MS admits its Linux-bashing is a failure. Most polled found the MS FUD offensive, one third want OSS because it isn't made by Microsoft.
How NSA access was built into Windows
Careless mistake reveals subversion of Windows by NSA.
Lindows.com - Michael's Minutes
Michael Robertson with the low down on Microsoft, and how to put a competitor out of business by trademarking common words.
Lobbying for insecurity
Keeping secure software out of the hands of users.
Mapping the new FUD attack plans
Indirect Fear Uncertanty and Doubt may be the new rule in the OS wars.
Microsoft Financial Critique
Bill Parish's view on how Microsoft uses stock options to raise revenue, taking advantage of its size and cash to manipulate the value of firms it wants to own or harm.
Microsoft Financial Fraud
Alleges that fraudulent accounting at Microsoft constitutes "the greatest financial fraud/pyramid scheme this century", and could have widespread economic repurcussions even setting aside the huge ramifications of the antitrust trials.
Microsoft is its own worst enemy
What Micrisift does that hurts them.
Microsoft to Schools: Give Us Your Lunch Money
Article that details how Microsoft bullies school districts which use unathorized copies of its software. Salon.com.
Microsoft winds up on both ends of software piracy
The people who invented the term "software piracy" guilty of same.
Microsoft: Users may have to pay for security
Finally Microsoft takes security seriously. As long as they get an extra income source out of it.
MS fights Open Source with freebies - an eyewitnes
How important is market share? They give away software to keep it.
MS plays volume licensing upgrade card against Nak
Volume licensing programs are only an upgrade? How to sell your product once, and get paid twice.
MS preps all-new warez busting antitrust complying
How to get around a punishment that hasn't even happened yet.
MS rigs ZD reader poll to promote .NET
Evidence of ballot stuffing to sway public opinion.
MS soft-pedals SSL hole
Trustworthy computing in action: Don't worry about our missing security.
MS to micro-manage your computer
How to trust your digital life to Microsoft in one easy step.
Namibia wisely spurns MS 'gift' in favor
For just thirty thousand dollars, small African country can get $2000 in software.
National Review
Against Microsoft: A primer for conservatives.
NewsForge: Can you trust your computer?
How Microsofts palladium will usher in "treacherous computing."
Register: Preinstalled Windows: AARGH! I can'
Microsoft site claims Windows can't be legally removed once installed?
Removing IE would kill Win2k, WinXP
Haven't we heard that one before?
Rival browsers benefiting from MSN gaffe
Microsoft takes criticism for browser blocking, including harsh words from the W3C's Tim Berners-Lee, and drives customers to competing browsers.
States: MS pushed for Linux attack
Retaliation for considering Linux not part of monopoly trial.
Tablet PCs Ink a Shady Proposition
Microsoft is pushing ink technology in hopes of continuing its domination of desktop computing.
Taiwan: MS may have violated trade laws
Taiwan's Fair Trade Commission investigates allegations that MS used it monopoly unfairly.
The Microsoft penalty that isn't - Tech News
MS sides steps the penelties of the court ruling against it by software patents and technology license.
The new EULA
MS security patch EULA gives Billg admin privileges on your box.
The Pulpit: I told you so
Microsoft's Palladium is just an attempt to embrace and extend the internet.
The Register: Justice chief queried over MS campai
Why has Attorney General John Ashcroft not disqualified himself from participation in settlement talks in the Microsoft case?
The Remedy Vanishes?
Summarizes the debate over the impact of the U.S. Department of Justice antitrust case, as European regulators impose stricter penalties against Microsoft. [ZDnet]
Trustworthy Computing in 2002
Was 2002 "trustworthy computing," or unethical business?
Users Wary of Microsoft Settlement
Worried remedies will not protect competition.
What's Microsoft Up Against in Europe?
A look at how EU's antitrust ruling against the software giant is likely to play out. {Businessweek]
Windows costs less than Linux. A bit. Sometimes -
Microsoft spins TCO to battle Linux.
Windows Messenger 'Trojan update'
The Register reports on a 'Critical Update' from Microsoft that forceably installs Windows Messenger even if you have already removed it from XP.
Windows Ruling is Biggest IP Heist in EU History,
Looks at EU's order to remove Media Player from Windows from a Microsoft lawyer's perspective. [The Register]
Windows XP: EXtra Proprietary
Michael Tiemann of Red Hat discusses Microsofts proprietary views on the web and content control. Wired.com.