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Broadcasters Public Service
Website sponsored by trade organization National Association of Broadcasters to publicize public service contributions of broadcast industry.
Free Press
Media reform organization promoting policies to produce a more competitive and public interest-oriented media system with a strong nonprofit and noncommercial sector. Includes how to help, a list of organizations, and a calendar of events.
Media Access Project
A non-profit, public interest law firm which promotes the public's First Amendment right to hear and be heard on the electronic media.
Media Beat by Norman Solomon
Weekly syndicated column on media and politics, including coverage of media consolidation and its implications. From Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
National Radio Project
Non-profit organization committed to investigative journalism, analysis, civic participation. Produces "Making Contact" radio program available online.
Robert McChesney
Home of Robert McChesney, writer, professor and media-access advocate who is critical of corporate concentration and control of media.
Smoke in the Eye
PBS Frontline coverage of the facts behind the movie The Insider, regarding the 60 Minutes self-censorship of the tobacco industry story.
What's Local About Local Broadcasting?
Survey of broadcast programming finds very little local or community oriented programs. 1998 survey by the Media Access Project & Benton Foundation.