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A site to discuss and share opinions and rants, no matter how extreme the views, on whatever topic. Read articles, stories, and complaints.
Biph's Opinionated Site of Tomfoolery
Random rantings of a man on various ads and topics.
Bitch Sessions
Gripe about anything you want. Grouped by general category.
Foamy Dog's Rant Forum
Discussion forums / message boards. Theme/Focus: Conservative Forum, ranting. Topic Selection: users can start new discussions, but topics are pre-determined. Author Names: chosen on the fly (no username accounts or passwords). Discussion Structure: linear.
Java-based discussion forum / message board. Theme/Focus: complaints and whining about life. Registration Information: usernames optional (no username or password registration). Discussion Format: linear.
Forum to rant about what sucks such as government, politics, and major corporations.
Features BBS for venting and free e-mail service.
Unjust Incidents Publication
People who have experienced unjust situations and want to share their stories with the world.
Bulletin board to express job-related frustrations and aggravations anonymously.