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Alternatives to Incarceration
An overview of the various forms of community corrections.
Atlantic Monthly on the Prison-Industrial Complex
An analysis of the public and private prison systems. In-depth piece on the economics of the prison system, with photos.
Backfire: When Incarceration Increases Crime
Examines the ways in which prison may have inadvertently affected crime rates. By Todd R. Clear, Professor and Associate Dean, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida State University.
Bearing the Burden: How Incarceration Weakens Inne
Explores how high rates of incarceration might weaken already fragile inner-city neighborhoods. By Joan Moore, Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Cell Door Magazine
An E-ZINE written by prisoners for the free world. Open the cell door and meet the men and women behind bars. Topics include but are not limited to prison issues.
Donny, Life of a Lifer
A book written by Donald Johnson who is serving a life sentence at Pelican Bay in SHU. Donny was also featured in A&E's Investigative Reports, "solitary confinement".
Humanizing the Prisons
Atlantic Unbound: An article from The Atlantic Monthly Magazine. An article about the State of Vermont's novel plan to trust inmates like other human beings.
Incarceration Rates by Race
Dr. David A. Camp examines racial imbalances in incarcertaion rates in Oklahoma.
Prison Rates Among Blacks Reach a Peak, Report Fin
New York Times article about trends in US incarceration rates, highlighting differences between states and the high rate of imprisonment for black males ages 20 to 34. [Requires free registration.]
Prisoners of the Williwaw
A novel which proposes a radical alternative prison in the Aleutian Islands.
Prisons in Crisis
Detailed artilcle on Watchtower (a religious publication's site) addressing the question, "Can prisons rehabilitate criminals?"
Rape used as control in U.S. prisons
By Neve Gordon, from the National Catholic Reporter.
Sick On The Inside
Harper's Magazine article by Wil S. Hylton---The Plague of The Prison Correctional HMO
The Aging of Prison Populations
Examines the effect that an aging prison population has on the quantity and diversity of services prisons provide.
The Bourne Trust
An outline of the services the trust offers to prisoners and their families.
The Next Generation: Children of Prisoners
Examines the unintended consequences of the incarceration of parents on children. By Dr. John Hagan, Professor in the Department of Sociology and the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto.
When The Bough Breaks
Companion web site to the documentary which explores the lives of children in three families whose mothers are locked up for nonviolent crimes.