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Basic Etiquette: People with Disabilities
Guidelines from a Handout by United Cerebral Palsy (UCPA)/Access AmeriCorps.
Disability Etiquette
Etiquette information about disabilities and relationships.
Disability Etiquette Handbook
From the City of San Antonio, Texas.
Memphis Center for Independent Living: Disability
Guide to interacting with people with different disabilities.
More General Disability Etiquette
To help you develop comfortable interactions with any person with a disability.
People First Language
Seeks to put the person first and the disability second.
People-First Language: An Unholy Crusade
"I wonder if the proponents of people-first language believe that putting disabled people first on the printed page accomplishes anything in the real world? Does it alter attitudes, professional or otherwise, about disabilities?"
Pitfalls of Political Correctness: Euphemisms Exco
The National Federation of the Blind adopts a policy of opposing euphemisms for blindness.