english deutsch
American Monetary Institute
A foundation dedicated to the study of monetary history, monetary theory and monetary reform.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
The "Fed" is the central bank of the United States and controls the money supply.
Federal Reserve Board Speech from 09/05/97
Alan Greenspan, America's foremost central planner, on money supply and inflation.
Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Educati
A non-profit group that advocates honest monetary weights and measures and argues against fiat monetary systems.
Gold, Paper, or...: Is There a Better Money?
Policy Analysis from the Cato Institute by David Friedman that evaluates the monetary alternatives that face all societies.
Grandfather Inflation Report - by MWHodges
Inflation - who says it's dead? 86% erosion of purchasing power - and continuing - a dollar in 1950 will buy only 14 cents worth of goods today, 86% less than before.
Money Facts
This 1964 report by the House Committee on Banking and Currency contains a very readable explanation of the politics of money and interest rates.
Money. What it is. How it works
A comprehensive educational offering by William F. Hummel that interested persons applaud. It includes Understanding Money, Policy Issues, Investing and Fun, as major sections with many topics in each and Reviews of related subjects.
National Organization for the Repeal of the Federa
A national organization for the repeal of the federal reserve act and the internal revenue code.
Soft Currency Economics
Describes a tax based fiat money system aimed at full employment without inflation.
The Mechanics of Inflation: The Great Government S
Your government takes money away from you by printing or spending with a deficit, causing inflation. This article explains how and why.
The Money Is No Good
An alternative view examining the role of money, reassessing the workmanship that goes into new "larger portrait" currency, and taking a closer look at the economics behind globalization.