english deutsch
Broken Ladder: Government Thwarts Affordable Housi
An article examining the failure of public housing projects in Washington, DC, citing problems such as lack of maintenance, poor social environment, and lack of motivation for tenants. Also argues against alternative plans such as housing vouchers and subsidized construction in favor of privately owned housing.
Cato Institute: How Rent Control Drives Out Afford
Analyzes the results of rent control policies and the effects when such policies are removed and argues that rent control does more harm than good. Features both a synopsis and a full analysis.
Corporate Welfare Information Center
Large database of information on United States government subsidies to corporations, including general information, specific examples, statistics, sample reform legislation, and mailing lists.
Fossil Fuel Subsidies - A Taxpayer Perspective
Outlines the amount of money spent in the United States on fossil fuel subsidies and the negative effects of this policy.
GRRN: End Subsidies for Wasting Campaign
Organization working against government subsidies in the United States to industries such as mining and timber firms, waste hauling, and landfill owners, giving them an unfair advantage over sustainable and resource-conserving businesses.
Kick All Agricultural Subsidies (Kick-AAS)
Organization working to abolish all agricultural subsidies in the United States. Argues that agricultural subsidies in industrialized countries harm third-world farmers by denying them the opportunity to compete fairly.
Paying for Pollution - How Taxpayers Subsidize Dan
Report in PDF and HTML formats on subsidies in the United States for polluting industries: who benefits from these subsidies, why they hurt Americans and the environment, and what should be done instead.
Perverse Incentives - Subsidies and Sustainable De
Report from the Institute for Research on Public Expenditure arguing that subsidies harm the environment and economies around the world. Includes segments on specific industries and suggests strategies for reform.
Physician Behavioral Response to Price Control
Scholarly article detailing a research project studying the response of physicians to price controls. Concludes that price controls are not effective in capping rising health care costs.
Roosevelt's Message to Congress on Price Cont
Argument by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941 for Congress to pass legislation capping prices to prevent unchecked inflation.
The Advanced Technology Program And Other Corporat
Stephen Moore, Director Of Fiscal Policy Studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, outlines the effects of various government subsidies and argues against corporate welfare grants.
The Washington Times: Agricultural Subsidies Targe
Article speculating that the World Trade Organization will attack agricultural subsidies in the United States and Europe and discussing the WTO's actions against subsidies in the past.
Time To Condemn Subsidized Housing
An article claiming that subsidized housing causes harm, not good.
What Price Control Really Means
An article arguing against price controls on the basis that they are economically harmful and impose unnecessary limits on freedom.
WTO: Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Outlines the World Trade Organization's position on various types of subsidies and measures that can be taken to remove or counter their negative effects.