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Earth's Moon: Mining or Tourism? - Space
While there's more interest at NASA for a manned mission to Mars, the private sector looks at Earth's moon.
Everything Must Go!
NASA has launched an unprecedented effort to sell its functions to the private sector. Where will it stop?
NASAWatch.INFO -- A NASA watchdog site
This watchdog site criticizes NASA and NASAWatch.COM. Maintained by former NASA personnel who do not accept sponsorship.
Save the Planetary Sciences from Statism
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has continually demonstrated its blatant incompetence through expensive and stupid errors over the years. Not only the disastrous fiasco with the Hubble telescope (which cost many millions to fix) but other major problems as well. Three of four Mars missions failed, the biggest Jupiter mission fails. Maybe we should stop putting all of our eggs in the incompetent Government basket?
The Privatization of Space Exploration
Collection of articles advocating the privatization of NASA and space exploration
Time to Privatize NASA
The prestigious Cato Institute examines the scandalous resistance of NASA to the societal benefits of privatization.