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60 Plus Association - Social Security, American Prospect Social Security Coverage, Americans for Tax Reform, Andrew Grossman: Saving the Social Security system, Arguments Outline: The Social Security Debate, Bush's Plan to Loot Social Security, Business Week - Whose Social Security Stash Is It?, Campaign for America?s Future - Sign the Pledge, Cato Institute - Project on Social Security Choice, Cato Social Security Choice Papers
AARP - Social Security Update
The American Association of Retired Persons addresses Social Security issues, research, news, and reform.
Alliance For Worker Retirement Security
Advocates Social Security reform for the benefit of the American worker.
Almanac of Policy Issues: Social Security
Background information and links on Social Security.
Brookings Institution
Brookings research on Social Security, pensions and retirement.
Cascade's Social Security Page
Should state governments be allowed to pull their employees out of Social Security?
Century Foundation - Social Security Network
Information, news, analysis and expert commentary on the Social Security debate and various reform plans.
Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security
State and local government employees should be allowed to preserve retirement security through retirement plans not included under Social Security.
Common Sense on Social Security
Discusses various Social Security reform options.
Concord Coalition
Testimony, statements, assessments of reform proposals, from an organization dedicated to efficient government and preserving Social Security and Medicare.
Employee Benefits Research Institute
EBRI's Social Security research program. Taxes, benefits, private accounts.
Foundation for International Studies on Social Sec
Promotes international, multidisciplinary research on social security and its relationships with other aspects of society.
Grandfather Social Security Report
Comparison of economic impact of Social Security on today's workers compared to prior generation: hard data in easy-to-understand graphics.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analys
IIASA's social security reform project. Social security reform from an international perspective. Includes issue papers on social security in Austria, China, Japan, Germany, Mexico, Russia and Ukraine.
International Reform Monitor--Bertelsman Foundatio
Current issues and reforms in social insurance policy in these countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States of America.
International Social Security Association
An international organization which brings together institutions and administrative bodies, dealing with one or more aspects of social security.
Just Facts
Overview of Social Security and its associated issues.
National Academy of Social Insurance
The nation's leading experts on Social Security, Medicare, and other social insurance programs. It does not lobby or take positions on policy issues.
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and
Seniors group outlines their positions on Social Security and Medicare issues.
National Institute of Population and Social Securi
Social Security in Japan.
National Insurance Institute of Israel
Social Security in Israel. In English.
National Women's Law Center
The answers to frequently asked questions about Social Security issues as they affect women.
Network Democracy - Social Security
Interactive site for discussing options on reforming Social Security.
Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan
Social Security in Canada.
Philippine Social Security System
Philippines' Social Security System.
Public Agenda - Social Security
Facts about Social Security taxes, benefits and the program's financial condition.
Public Program Testing Organization
Advocate for Social Security reform, criticizes effect of taxation on retirees and Ticket-to-Work program.
Regie des rentes du Quebec
Social Security in Quebec. In English.
Senior Journal
Senior Journal for news, information and opinion on Social Security reform.
Social Protection in the European Union Member Sta
Social Security in the European Union.
Social Security Administration - Office of the Chi
Financial history and projections for the Social Security trust funds. Automatic annual increases in Social Security and SSI amounts.
Social Security for Yesterday's Family?
Urban Institute article detailing the history of Social Security, and inequities of the present system.
Social Security Online
Official US government site for the Social Security Administration, with news, trends, budget, publications, and comparison with systems in more than 170 countries.
The Black Commentator - Bamboozled: Destruction of
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore explains that President Bush's plans for Social Security amount to a raw deal for African-Americans.
The National Council of La Raza
Latino/Hispanic perspective on the unfolding debate regarding ways to reform Social Security.
The Social Security Game
Design your own solutions to Social Security's financial problems with this tool from the American Academy of Actuaries.
There Is No Crisis
Weblog presenting analysis of the solvency of Social Security and its future prospects, from a viewpoint skeptical of privatization.
Trust Fund Siphon Report
Criticizes the use of Social Security Trust Fund surpluses to fund other government activities.
Truth About Social Security
Describing how Social Security works, the nature of the problem it faces, and a discussion of possible reforms.
Urban Institute Focus on Social Security Reform
Options for administering individual accounts. Save the surplus to save Social Security: What does that mean?
US Citizens in Micronesia
American citizens who plan to work in the Federated States of Micronesia should be aware of these Social Security provisions.
Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement
WISER's Social Security factsheet and checklist for working women. Also, is it time for a major overhaul of Social Security?