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Alabama Arise
Advocating a progressive taxation system for the state.
Americans for Tax Reform
Advocating for a national, single rate, flat income tax.
Banneker Center for Economic Justice
Essays, mailing list, and forum, questioning leading 'tax reform' proposals.
California Tax Reform Association
Non-profit organization advocating for state tax relief efforts and spending limits on government.
Canadian Tax Foundation
Independent, non-profit tax research organization analysing personal, corporate, and international tax and government finance matters.
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Advocating for reductions in business tax and regulation, and increased transparency in the expenditure of tax revenues.
Advocating for tax reduction, and acting as a watchdog against perceived wasteful government spending.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Public policy advocacy organization specializing in federal budget issues from a low-income perspective.
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Advocates market-based solutions to public policy problems.
Citizens for Tax Justice
Non-profit research and advocacy group focusing on federal, state and local tax policy.
Geonomy Society
Educational nonprofit offering news, commentary and analysis on the relationship between economics and sustainability.
Henry George Institute
Advocating the application of economic principles to local and international problems, and proposing the replacement of all income taxes with real estate taxes.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Article advocating heavy taxes on natural resources, such as coal, on the theory that this will reduce pollution.
Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxatio
Non-profit economic research institute, advancing the belief that free-market economic policies are essential for the nation's economic progress.
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
Non-profit research group performing analysis, fostering debate, and educating the public on federal, state and local tax policy.
Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center
Statewide organization dedicated to advocating for tax fairness, economic justice, and socially responsible budgeting.
National Taxpayers Union
National taxpayer organization, lobbying Congress and state legislatures, and engaging in media activism in relation to tax issues.
Ohio Taxpayers Association
Non-profit organization seeking to limit state taxes, spending, and regulations, and promote the principles of limited government.
PETA - Tax Meat!
Proposing an excise tax on meat, on the belief that such a tax will benefit public health and the environment.
Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public F
Established at the University of California, Berkeley, to promote research in tax policy and public finance.
Stop the Budget Disaster
Devoted to opposing tax cuts for the wealthy as a priority over spending on social programs and tax relief for the working classes.
Tax Foundation
Devoted to educating taxpayers about tax policy and the total tax burden borne by Americans at all levels of government.
Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
Seeking to promote the study and the exchange of information and views on taxation.
Tennesseans for Fair Taxation
Dedicated to creating a fair, progressive tax system that meets the state's financial needs.