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Airport-specific Regulations
Airport Noise Regulations, Buchanan Field Airport,, LAX Los Angeles World Airports: Noise Management, Long Beach Airport Noise Compatibility Ordinance, Van Nuys Airport: Noise Management
Community Interest Groups
AirFair, Airport Neighbors United, Alliance for a New Moffett Field, Alliance of Residents Concerning O'Hare (AReC, Bankstown and Environs Airport Resistance, Bucks Residents for Responsible Airport Management, Campaign Against Crowfield Aerodrome, Citizens Against Airport Pollution, Citizens Against Sea-Tac Expansion, Citizens Concerned About Jet Noise (Virginia Beach
Airfields Environment Trust
UK charity sponsoring research and education to promote understanding of the effects of aviation both locally and internationally, and to explore ways in which pollution and other adverse effects can be reduced. Includes databank of resources and information about projects.
Airport Noise Law
A central source of information on airport noise, including regulatory law, bibliographies, links to organizations.
UK group working to control and reduce the local, national and global environmental impacts of the air transport industry. Concerns and briefing sheets.
AOPA's Guide to Airport Noise and Compatible
Resources from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.
Aviation Environment Federation
Deals with the adverse environmental impacts of aviation, including noise, air quality, climate change and sustainability issues. Based in UK.
dBTowers, a research facility for aircraft noise
The dBTowers facility is an open air research laboratory for research on aircraft noise.
Federal Organization Against Aircraft and Airport
The aviation noise web portal of Germany. Information on airport and aircraft noise and related topics.
French National Association Against Aircraft Noise
News, information, and links to similar groups in Europe, Australia, and the USA. English version of French site.
National Organization to Insure a Sound-controlled
U.S. lobbying organization affiliated with the National League of Cities, committed to reducing the impact of aviation noise on local communities. Includes news and upcoming events; membership and contacts details, and legislative priorities.
No Air Craft Noise
Details of a political party dedicated to solving the problem of aircraft noise in Sydney, Australia.
Noise Division, Office of Environment and Energy,
Includes noise abatement policies, regulations, guidance, models, aircraft noise levels, and reports to Congress. USA.
The Noise Police Are Here
Article in magazine of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association discusses problems for general aviation caused by increasing noise regulations, tips to pilots for keeping noise levels down, and efforts to avoid having local airports shut down.
US - Citizens Aviation Watch Association
Advocacy group dedicated to protecting the health, safety and welfare of individuals and communities affected by the air transport industry. Activities, studies, monitored airports, and publications.