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Clean Metals Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiatives to avoid problems with radioactive contamination in the metals supply. Information about the problem, strategies being used to address it, and U.S. and international standards.
Federal Foot Dragging on Radioactive Scrap
New Steel.
Handbook for Controlling Release for Reuse or Recy
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) protocol to ensure that radiological doses to the public from recycle or reuse of residual radioactive material meet applicable regulatory standards.
Nuclear Spoons
The Progressive magazine article on The Department of Energy plans to dispose of millions of tons of radioactive metal. Reprocessing and recycling radioactive scrap metal which could end up in silverware, pots and pans, and eyeglasses and cause 92,000 cancer deaths.
Some Like It Hot
By David Case (reporter for TomPaine.com journal) on U.S. Department of Energy plans to recycle decontaminated radioactive metal.