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ACCF Climate Change Studies and Reports
Reports and testimonies before Congress on the economics of climate change policy from the American Council for Capital Formation.
Bjørn Lomborg
Author of The Skeptical Environmentalist challenges widely held beliefs that the global environment is progressively getting worse.
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global
Skeptical of possible negative effects, the center is a non-profit organization specializing in the online publication of scientific research and education developments related to the rising CO2 content of earth's atmosphere.
Climate Change Menu
Questions if people are really causing climate change.
Competitive Enterprise Institute: Global Warming
Index of CEI research papers, opinion articles, speeches, and other publications on climate change, the Kyoto Treaty, and related topics.
FMN Policy Spotlight: Global Warming
resources casting a skeptical eye at sometimes outlandish environmental claims.
Free-Market.Net: Spotlight on Global Warming
Summarizes the libertarian perspective on global warming and provides a large directory of online resources for information and activism.
Friends of Science
Offers critical scientific evidence, including a five-piece video, that challenges the premises of the Kyoto Protocol, and presents alternative causes of climate change.
Global Climate Coalition
Lobby group formed in 1989 to provide a voice for industry - and in particular the oil industry - in the debate on climate change and global warming. Seeks to discredit human-induced climate change theories and argue against CO2 reduction.
Global Warming And Climate Change Issues
A detailed examination of global climate change and related economic and science issues from the American Petroleum Institute web site.
Global Warming Hotline
National Center for Policy Analysis site contains hundreds of documents on global warming and the implications of climate change treaties.
Global Warming Lecture from the Oregon Institute o
A 52-minute video lecture noting the absence of deleterious effects due to global warming. [Requires RealPlayer 5.0 or better]
Global Warming Petition Project
Signed by over 19,000 scientists, this petition calls for the US government to reject the Kyoto Protocol.
Home page of the "Cooler Heads Coalition," dispelling the myths and flawed analyses by global-warming doomsayers.
Greening Earth Society
Promotes a scientific approach to balancing the need for fossil fuels and stewardship of our environment. Believes humanity and nature grow together because the earth?s rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration stimulates increased plant productivity and water-use efficiency.
Guide to Global Warming - Questions and Answers on
Questions and answers to basic global warming questions, from the George C. Marshall Institute.
Man and Environment
A short page which questions the harm in environmental change.
Newsweek - The Cooling World
Newsweek article from 1975 on the dangers of Global Cooling.
Russia's Chief Economic Adviser Says Cost of
Dr. Andrei Illarionov, Pres. Vladimir Putin's chief economic adviser, delivers a presentation called "The Kyoto Protocol: An Assault on economic growth, environment, public safety, science and human civilization itself."
Science & Environmental Policy Project
Founded by atmospheric physicist and global-warming skeptic S. Fred Singer; press releases, news articles, scientific studies and other materials available.
Skepticism - Global Warming
Links to articles and resources skeptical of claims made by environmentalists about global warming.
Still Waiting For Greenhouse
Non-believers in global warming present evidence to show that global warming has been grossly exaggerated.
The Global Warming Information Center
Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research; fact sheets, media kits, research, and links critical of the manmade climate change orthodoxy.
The Sky is Falling!
Personal site that explores the myth of so-called "global warming."