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Chem Trail Tracking USA, Chem Trails, Emgergency Planning for Chemical Spills, Mothers for Clean Air, The Air That We Breathe Group, The I Want Clean Air Site, The I Want Clean Air Site
Advocacy for Zero Emission Vehicles, Bangladesh Environmental Management Forum, Basel Action Network, Bhopal.Org, Campaign Against the New Kiln, Cigarette Litter, Clean Car Campaign, Clean Ocean Action, Coalition Helping Organize a Cleaner Environment (, Community Against Pollution
Environmental Diplomacy: Environment & US Fore
Includes an air pollution calculator, as well as a product database and discussion list.
Cape Cod Pollution
Toxic chemical pollution generated by the state of Massachusetts. Includes chemical index by name and health effects.
Chemical Hazard Community Watch
A guide to essential networked resources and links to inform and educate on issues of chemical hazards in our communities for emergency preparedness.
Clean Air Now!
The states PRIG's reports on the national threat of air pollution.
Groen en Geel
Quarterly newsletter about chlorine and chlorine chemistry, published by Dutch environmental organizations.
International Cement Industry
Provides inventory of waste-burning cement plants around the world.
NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program
Provides funding to programs at universities and institutions around the United States to study the human health effects of hazardous substances in the environment.
Reach For Unbleached!
Consumer education about paper and pulp mill monitoring.
Scorecard Home
EDF Scorecard makes it easy to find information about toxic chemicals: where they come from in your community, what their human health effects are, and what actions you can take.
Sea Dumping in Australia
Research papers describing the history and effects of sea dumping in Australia. Includes a database for research purposes and a paper on chemical warfare agent sea dumping after WW2.
StIC - Stop the Incinerator Campaign
Scientific findings, events and details of how to help. Incinerator is located in Swansea, UK.
Tire-Burning Cement Plants World Wide
Provides information and links to related organizations.
When your surroundings are a filthy mess, someone
Examining why we suffer and tolerate filth. The term filth, for the purposes of this site, encompasses everything from grime and litter to industrial-grade pollution.
World Bank - NIPR: New Ideas in Pollution Regulati
For researchers, government officials, and citizens interested in understanding and improving control of industrial pollution, especially in developing countries. NIPR is the primary source for materials produced by the World Bank's Economics of Industrial Pollution Control Research Project.