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Catholic Educator's Resource Center: Populati
An annotated bibliography of resources on population, human rights abuses, and the history of population control.
Defusing the Population Bomb
Commentary by Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute.
Overpopulation - Information and resources on the
Includes an extensive FAQ (which argues that population pressures will not lead to disasters predicted by people such as Paul Ehrlich), book reviews, links, a discussion forum and regular updates on population-related news.
Population Research Institute
Documents abuses of human rights in pursuit of population control; argues for moderate population growth and "economic development models which respect the dignity and rights of the individual human person and the family."
The Doomslayer
Wired magazine article on population economist Julian Simon.
The Law of Increasing Returns
Commentary by Ronald Bailey arguing that the explosive growth in ideas has allowed the world to support more people at an increasing standard of living.
The State of Humanity: Good and Getting Better
Commentary by Julian L. Simon and Sheldon Richman. Argues that progressive trends will continue indefinitely.