english deutsch
Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory
Research in our group focuses on the characterization of the chemical mechanisms in the atmosphere that influence regional air quality and global climate change.
Center For Global Food Issues
Conducts research and analysis of agriculture and the environmental concerns. Provides news and publications.
Center for the Study of Institutions, Population,
Studies processes of change in forest environments as mediated by institutional arrangements, demographic factors, and other major human driving forces.
Churchill Northern Studies Centre
A research facility established in 1976 by the people of Churchill and the Manitoba with a vision to understand and sustain the North.
Developmental Neurobiology and Environmental Toxic
The main focus of the laboratory is on the effects of pollutants on the early embryo, in general, with an additional emphasis on the effects of pollutants on the nervous system throughout the embryonic period.
Environment and Natural Resources Program
Harvard University program offers graduate studies in environmental policy and conducts research on environmental policy issues, including global warming.
Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory
The primary focus of our program is on the biogeochemistry of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, with emphasis on the cycling and interactions of carbon, iron, and sulfur in freshwater systems.
Green Management Institute
A private institute for researching and appraising the environment-content of products and processes, it is a non-profit foundation-pool of public and private, environmentally proactive bodies and companies,interested in promoting innovative energy-saving projects reusing and recycling resources.
Groundwater Flow Modeling Laboratory
The purpose of the laboratory is to facilitate applied research in the area of groundwater flow and transport modeling. Our focus is on the development and application of the analytic element method.
Indiana Amphibian Monitoring
In response to declining amphibian populations, this group uses the protocol for the frog and toad calling surveys and will focus on south central Indiana in 1999, in coordination with the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP).
National Institute for Global Environmental Change
NIGEC's mission is to carry out research on global environmental change. One of six regional research centers, MRC) is at Indiana University on the Bloomington campus and is administered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Oakley Environmental Research
Conducts research into environmental journalism, policy and debate. While their main focus is on the Australian media and political parties, international developments are also watched.
Public Policy Research
Located in Portland, Oregon, and conducts research on a broad range of social and environmental problems including energy conservation, recycling, and transportation.
Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC)
Provides information to the public on matters that affect the environment, human health, and communities particularly in New Mexico and the southwest. Services include technical assistance, networking, policy and environmental analysis.
Tellus Institute
A non-profit research and consulting organization promoting equitable and sustainable resource management and development.
The Edmonds Institute
Non-profit, public interest organization dedicated to education about environment, technology, and intellectual property rights. Provides information and publications.
The Hites' Laboratory for Analytical Environm
Applies organic analytical chemistry to the understanding of environmental problems. Almost all of work uses gas chromatographic mass spectrometry for the analysis of trace levels of potentially toxic environmental pollutants.
The Land Institute
Research in natural systems agriculture featuring perennial grain polycultures using nature as its measure.
The organisation will contribute to sustainable development through scientific research. The activities are focused on energy and on environmental issues and on related technology and technological development.