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A Scout's Duty to God
Essay by an Eagle Scout arguing that homosexuals are inappropriate as members of the Boy Scouts of America.
Boy Scout Battle Pits Gay Activists vs. Minority K
Heather Mac Donald, writing for the Wall Street Journal, warns that poor, minority children will suffer if gay-rights activists persuade corporations and others to withhold support from Boy Scouts.
Boy Scouts And Homosexuality :: Opinions de Moi ::
Essay about the BSA's position on sexual orientation written by a gay man with personal experience within Scouting.
Boy Scouts Legal Issues: Home
Official BSA site created to inform the public about the legal issues that confront Scouting.
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (Rehnquist's ma
The U.S. Supreme Court explains that the Boy Scouts may exercise their right to association by excluding homosexuals.
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (Stevens' minor
Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsberg, and Breyer dissent, criticizing the majority's argument as "an astounding view of the law."
Curran vs. Boy Scouts Lawsuit
Tim Curran's personal web site describing his dismissal and subsequent lawsuit against the Mt. Diablo Council of the BSA
Discrimination in the Boy Scouts of America
A collection of news articles, essays, and other resources on the Boy Scouts of America, its policies, and recent court cases.
Episcopal Bishops call for Inclusive Boy Scout Lea
The Episcopal Church approved a resolution in an attempt to open a dialogue with the BSA regarding its membership policies
FindLaw's Writ - Yoshino: Scout Loophole
Legal commentary by Kenji Yoshino on the implications of the Supreme Court's decision in BSA v. Dale
Gay and Lesbian Scouts Received With Open Arms in
San Francisco Chronicle article about the 129th Toronto Scout Group, and Canada accepting gay and lesbian scouts there.
Inclusive Scouting .NET
Portal site for local and national coalitions working to change the policies of the Boy Scouts of America with respect to religion and sexual orientation. Offers a searchable database of BSA organizations and United Way agencies.
Is it OK to Ban a Gay Scoutmaster?
Poll and opinion forum regarding the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing the Boy Scouts to ban gay troop leaders.
Lambda Legal: Boy Scouts of America v. Dale
Complete listing of information on the BSA v. Dale case by the organization that represented James Dale. Includes copies of all amicus briefs, decisions, news articles, background information, and print-ready photos.
New England Coalition for Inclusive Scouting
Educational and advocacy group formed in response to the policies of the Boy Scouts of America to discriminate on the basis of religion and sexual orientation.
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer: Boy Scout Wars - May 23
Transcript of news piece interviewing several scouts, scout leaders and funders in Maryland and New York. Offers streaming video and audio versions.
Religious and Sexual Orientation Discrimination: B
A collection of essays and background material on the BSA's membership policies maintained by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Save Our Scouts
Offers an online petition and educational information on the current threats to the Scouting program in the USA, including news articles and a listing of organizations that have recently withdrawn support.
Scout Honor Coalition
Organization whose mission is to inform and involve people in the culture war, and to preserve the values of the Scout Oath from attacks being waged by the radical Left.
Scout's Honor Documentary Film
2001 Sundance Award Winning Documentary Film as seen nationally on PBS about the struggle to overturn the anti-gay policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
Scouting for All
Scouting for All is a national nonprofit, 501(c)3, advocacy organization working to change the Boy Scouts of America's exclusionary polices against atheists and gays.
Separation of morals and state (WorldNetDaily)
Alan Keyes analyzes homosexual activists' battle against the Boy Scouts
The Assault on the Boy Scouts
Essay from Patrick Meehan's collection entitled "Nihilist Onslaughts On Culture" with analysis of the rationales used by homosexuals and their advocates.
The UUA and the Boy Scouts of America: A Continuin
Unitarian Universalist Association's site detailing its struggle over BSA's refusal to recognize its religious award because of the UUA's stance on homosexuality and theism.
The war on the Boy Scouts (WorldNetDaily)
Commentary by Joseph Farah describing the assault on the Boy Scouts by homosexual political activists and atheists.
Tying the Boy Scouts in Knots
Gay columnist Dan Savage calls his local Boy Scout council asking how the BSA's policies would affect his son's participation in Cub Scouts.
War on the Boy Scouts, Round 2 (WorldNetDaily)
Follow-up article by Joseph Farah describing many recent actions taken against the Boy Scouts in the wake of the US Supreme Court decision.
Why the Boy Scouts Work
Heather Mac Donald, writing for City Journal, provides a detailed history of inner-city scouting and then argues that the position of activists trying to change the BSA is that "furthering the gay-rights crusade takes precedence over helping inner-city children."