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"Capacity.org" a Capacity Building Porta
In English and French, has content related to training and education in and by international development institutions. It has some good definitions of capacity building and useful resource pages.
Creating Capacity for Sustainable Development
Education and training is a key goal in Sustainable Development. This is a summary of Chapter 37 of Agenda 21, on the role of education in sustainable development, summarised by the IISD
IConnect Online Knowledge for Development
A portal site on the topic of applying knowledge, training and information and communication technologies to development.
Information as a Global Public Good: Oxfam Campaig
An informal statement of Oxfam's thinking on the role of information in development.
Oxfam GB Education Now Campaign
Campaign to secure the right to education for all. 125 million kids in the world can't go to primary school, even if they want to.
Non-profit organization dedicated to developing education of war torn countries. Publications, how to help, and information on their programs in various countries.
World Development Report 1998/99: Knowledge for De
This is the World Bank's yearly report, aimed at the role of knowledge in development. It covers both educational, and information and communication technology related issues.
World Links eLearning for Development
This organisation trains teachers in Developing countries in the use of information and communications technologies. There is a resources page including lesson suggestions.