english deutsch
DHHS, Office for Civil Rights Fact Sheets., Doctors' Reform Society of Australia, Everybody In, Nobody Out, Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Grim Reaper Society/Association des Faucheuses, Health Care Advocacy Web Ring, Health Care Policy, Health Care Reform, Health Care Reform, How to reform health care
Drunk Driving, AIM, Alcohol Abuse Prevention: Some Serious Problems, Alcohol and Your College Experience - Facts on Tap, Alcohol Billboards, Alcohol Epidemiology Program at the University of , Alcohol Stats, APOLNET - Alcohol Policy Network, Attitudes Toward Seeking Treatment Among Alcohol-u, Bottomless Pitchers, CC Speaks
Blood Products
Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Institute (BMSI), Bloodless Medicine Research, International Society for Artificial Cells, Blood , International Study of Peri-Operative Transfusion , Jehovah's Witnesses-The Surgical/Ethical Chal, Medical Care and Blood, NoBlood! - The Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Netw, Scientific American: Ask the Experts: Medicine
Body Image
Fat Acceptance, Media Pressures, Pro-Anorexia, AdiosBarbie.com, Anachick's Haven, Body Image, Body Image Health, Body Positive, Chronic Illness and Body Image, Cognitive Behavior Therapy as a Treatment for Body, Council on Size and Weight Discrimination, Detroit News: Immigrant Girls Suffer from Anorexia, Disability Cool: Sexuality 'R Us
Review: Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspirac
Conditions and Diseases
Autism, Cancer, Heart Disease, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Stomach Ulcers
Bio-Compatible Dentistry, Improving Oral Health, Preventive Dental Health Association, Symbiosis Between the Dental and Industrial Commun, University Of Health
Illegal, Medical, Center On Addiction and Substance Abuse, Electronic Prevention Community Organizer, European Association of Libraries and Information , Hammered, HelpingPatients.org, High Prices, How Stuff Works: Athletic Drug Testing, Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Stud, The Fight Against Drugs in Canada
Food, Drink and Nutrition
Food Additives, Nutritional Supplements, Baby Milk Action, BBC, Biodevastation2000, Campaign for Real (Raw) Milk, Dr Weil, Fast Food for a Fast World, Food Irradiation, Foundation for Food Irradiation Education, HingePin, Irradiation - How Safe Is Your Dinner?
Medicare, Quackery, Abusive Care-Givers, AIDS Fraud Task Force, Alternative Medicines Fraud, Arthritis Cures and Fraud, Bally Total Fitness, BBB Tips - Health, Bureau of Health Professions, Complains on Nursing Facilities, DietFraud.com, Federal Trade Commission
Health Policy
Anti-Regulation, Articles, Canadian Health Policy, Children's Health Insurance Program, Hospitals, Medicaid, Medicare, Midwifery, Prescription Drugs, United States Government
HMOs and Managed Care
Health Policy, DB's Medical Rants: Public Guidelines for Man, Kaiser Papers Hawaii, The Kaiser Papers
Abstracts and Papers, American Iatrogenic Association
Mental Health
Anti-Psychiatry Organizations, Articles, ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy, Involuntary Commitment, Medication, Memory Controversies, Personal Stories, Psychosurgery, Substance Abuse, Use of Restraints
Fraud, Genetic Cloning, Medical Research Modernization Committee
The Codex Alimentarius
Codex Alimentarius Commission, Codex Showdown in Berlin Points to Dire Need for C, Dramatic restrictions to our herbs and vitamins vi, HPB - CODEX Connection, International Threats to Health Freedom - CODEX, More Proof of the Global Harmonization Scam to Wip, Will CODEX Harmonization End Health Freedom Worldw
Advocacy, Economic Impact, Government, Industry Critiques, Master Settlement Agreement, Media, Secondhand Smoke, Smuggling, Tobacco Industry Documents, Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care, Addressing Tobacco In Managed Care, Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care-- Bibliography , AMWA Position Paper: Tobacco Control and Preventio, Anti-Tobacco Measures Prevent Cancer, Cigarette Law, Corpwatch - Tobacco, Free Trade and Globalization, FindLaw Legal News: Tobacco, Report and Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Advisory , Selling Off or Selling Out? Medical Schools and Et
Organ Trafficking, Xenotransplantation, American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) - P, Transplantation of Organs from Newborns with Anenc, United Network for Organ Sharing Online
Books, Childhood Immunization Issues, Side Effect Debate, Anthrax Vaccination Immunization Program Exposed, CDC - Mercury and Vaccines, Does the Flu Vaccine Really Protect the Elderly?, Flu Crimes at the CDC, Flu Deaths Outrageously Exaggerated to Increase Va, Health Officials Fear Local Impact of Smallpox Pla, Immunization Safety Review: Thimerosal-Containing , Improperly Made Flu Vaccine Given to Millions of A, Many Adults Not Immune to Tetanus, Mercury, Vaccines and Medicine
Water Treatment
Chlorination, Fluoridation, Drinking Water Resources, Drinking Water Standards, Environmental Health Information Service (EHIS) En, Inside Walkerton, Lifewater International, The Hidden Dangers of Water, The North Battleford Water Inquiry, Trihalomethanes (THM) and Our Water Supply, Water And You In not-so-Supernatural British Colum, Water Pollution
American Association of Health Plans
Fact sheets and analyses on: managed care, prenatal care, children's health insurance, diabetes, and current immunization recommendations for children and adults.
American Council on Science and Health
A consumer education consortium concerned with issues related to food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and health. ACSH is an independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization.
Antibiotic resistance
From the Why Files.
BBC News: Cold 'killing 50,000' each win
Campaigners are calling for action to help prevent 50,000 deaths from cold in the UK each year.
Case Western Reserve University - Program on Socie
Interdisciplinary group which studies the impact of biomedical technology, health policy, and demographic shifts on society. Mission statement, upcoming events, past events, future plans, and faculty listing.
Cliff Steer : Heart Man
Free video by a heart transplant patient, aimed at Jr. High kids, about positive life styles, the non-use of drugs and alcohol, and organ donation.
Death Is Inevitable
Examination of theoretical justifications for coercive public health policies.
Doctors For Life
Non-profit making organisation which stands for the sanctity of life from conception till death and a basic Christian ethic.
Ethical Issues in Terminal Health Care
Articles and essays on patients' rights, Ethics Committees, the Right-to-Die Debate, and Physician Assisted Suicide.
Health Facts and Fears
A news site promoting sound science and combating the hype and junk science. The issues covered include food, nutrition, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, lifestyle, the environment and health.
Health Issues Monthly
Health related issues including global warming, alternative healing, cancer related, food, and nutrition.
HealthWatch UK
Promotes the assessment and testing of treatments, whether 'orthodox' or 'alternative'.
Mainlining Danger: Hospital Patients Exposed to Hi
Greenpeace data shows that vinyl (PVC) medical devices contain high levels of toxic additives which can leach out through surrounding fluids, exposing hospital patients to a probable human carcinogen.
Partners In Health
Research, advocacy and publications related to health, worldwide. Focus upon the poor. Partners with projects in Haiti, Peru, Mexico, United States, with a goal of neither development or charity, but "pragmatic solidarity".
Pee Dee Healthy Start Inc South Carolina
A prevention program in response to high infant mortality rates, low birth weight babies, inadequate health care for women of child bearing age and their families in rural areas in SC.
Questionable Doctors
Public citizen effort to collect and make public information about questionable doctors in the United States. Data is available online.
Safety Links
Directory of links to information and articles on safety.
The UK Partnership for Global Health
A forum for people concerned at the impact of globalisation on global health. Includes documents, briefings and news.
Advice, information, research and links about a variety of issues, including alcoholism, debt, drug addiction, marriage problems, sexual abuse and weight issues.
What Doctors Don't Tell You
Monthly magazine informing patients of little-known side effects of drugs, and allegedly "proven" alternative remedies.
What is Wrong With Our Health Care System?
A commentary on why the US health care system is the most expensive in the world but less effective than most people realize.