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Health Care Report
This site, in data graphic form, shows U.S. live expectancy trends and health care spending compared to other nations, raising challenging questions today and looking forward.
Health Insurance
Most primary care providers will have a network of colleagues they can recommend specialty services. Article says your health care needs are best met when your care is coordinated between your primary care provider and your specialists. From Health4her.com.
Human Rights and the Aids Crisis: The Debate Over
International human-rights standards can help point a useful direction while we prepare ourseleves to face a new public-health challenge that has come to the fore in the fight against AIDS.
Infostat, Cargo-Cult Science and the Policy Sausag
Paper on the managerial takeover of clinical practice, and how the process of medical science is distorted by politics and dubious trendy theories.
Making Medicines Safer - The Need for an Independe
From the New England Journal of Medicine. "Currently, after a drug is approved for marketing, we rely on a voluntary reporting system based on the assumption that a drug is safe... It is remarkable that at a time when the technology for collecting and analyzing large amounts of data is readily available, an independent, comprehensive, and systematic program of post-marketing drug surveillance does not exist."
Medical Malpractice lawsuits
Legal Information on medical malpractice lawsuits.
National Healthcare Plan -- Reforming the current
An article about nationalizing America's healthcare system.
No Caps On Non-Economic Medical Malpractice Awards
Facts sheets explaining attempts to legitimize negligent or incompetent conduct by health care providers.
Not Another Generation Exposed To Asbestos
An examination of asbestos, its effects on the human body, the state of mesothelioma treatments, and pending legislation on asbestos issues.
Public Health and Personal Freedom
Argues that more emphasis should be given to personal freedom over public health, using the example of alcohol.
The Bush Presidency - Bush Record on Health
Articles explore the Medicare bill and its drug plan, the imported drug controversy, stem cell research, and the Administration's policy for the uninsured.