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A Public Health Analysis of the Proposed Resolutio
UCSF policy analysis paper examines the proposed tobacco settlement agreement.
A Sweet Deal for Big Tobacco
Analysis of the proposed "global tobacco settlement" of 1997 concludes it would have kept the tobacco industry profitable and done little for the public.
Analysis of the Proposed 1997 Resolution
Analysis of the Master Settlement Agreement by Fox, Lightwood and Glantz; examines whether it lives up to its billing and what it's likely to do for the industry and for the public.
How The Tobacco Deal Compares To Standards
Analysis by Brion Fox and Stan Glantz of how the proposed June 20th 1997 "global settlement" deal compared with established standards.
National Association of Attorneys General: Tobacco
Information about the Master Settlement Agreement negotiated with the tobacco industry, including original agreement, amendments, and related issues.
Smoking, The African American Community and The Pr
Scholarly article analyzes how well the proposed June 20 1997 federal tobacco deal addresses the impact of tobacco on the African American community; internal tobacco industry documents are cited on how the industry targetted African Americans.
The "Global Settlement" with the Tobacco
Analysis compares the provisions of the proposed 1997 "global settlement" with what was achieved without it, finds the settlement has little to offer.
The Master Settlement Agreement and the Future of
Paper provides a legal and public policy analysis of selected topics and provisions of the multistate Master Settlement Agreement of November 23, 1998, including effects on other legal actions, tobacco advertising, youth access, lobbying, and the national foundation.
Tobacco Advertising After the Settlement: Where We
Paper in the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy examines what the Master Settlement Agreement between the tobacco industry and the states has and has not accomplished.