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American Affordable Housing Institute
Articles about employer assisted housing.
Bernie Sanders' Affordable Housing Page
National Affordable Housing Trust Fund legislation; articles and reports regarding affordable housing; web links and Congressman Sanders' position paper.
California Housing Law Project
Advocacy organization that provides news and action alerts related to affordable housing as well as statistics and pending legislation in California.
Enterprise Foundation
Supports 1200+ community-based nonprofits creating homes affordable to low-income Americans. Site offers funding applications & timelines, resource database, a forum and other developer support, all searchable.
Habitat for Humanity International
A nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide. Searchable site includes news, a quiz, an online zine, and a local Habitat directory.
Habitat International Coalition
International links, articles, calendar and organizational information for HIC, a network of peoples' organizations and NGOs working on housing and habitat.
Housing California
California's statewide nonprofit organization representing a coalition of advocates for affordable housing and homeless issues provides action alerts; organizing materials; information about their annual conference; and links to advocates, resources, nonprofits and government sites;
Housing Research Resources
A guide to the UC Berkeley library and Internet literature of housing. Included are basic research tools, historical sources, and strategies for finding needed materials with an extensive list of web links.
HUD Community Connections
Community Connections, the Information Center of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD, serves as a clearinghouse providing users with program regulations; model programs, case studies, publications on a variety of housing, community and economic development topics; funding information; training and conference announcements; and referrals to technical assistance providers.
HUD Community Planning & Development Affordab
Programs, news, laws reports, library and links from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
News feeds, discussion forums, listserve, publications and searchable index of publications related to low income housing. Site is sponsored by the Fannie Mae Foundation.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation - LISC
Information about LISC, a nonprofit which provides grants, loans and equity investments to CDCs for neighborhood redevelopment. THe site also has best practice materials, tools and templates related to the development of affordable housing, web links and access to technical support.
McGill University School of Architecture
Description of its minimum cost housing program for developing countries.
Mercy Housing
Organizational information regarding Mercy Housing, a national not-for-profit organization developing affordable rentals, low income housing, health care, and senior services.
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment
Housing and community development advocate for the provision of adequate and affordable housing and strong, viable communities for all Americans - particularly those with low- and moderate-incomes. Our members administer HUD programs such as Public Housing, Section 8, CDBG and HOME.
National Equity Fund, Inc.
created in 1987 by Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) to help fuel affordable housing development through syndication of low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs).
National Housing Conference
A professional membership organization that focuses on affordable housing and community development issues
National Housing Federation
Umbrella body that represents independent non-profit housing associations in the United Kingdom.
National Housing Institute
NHI is a nonprofit organization that examines the issues causing the crisis in housing and community in America. NHI publishes "Shelterforce" magazine.
National Housing Law Project
NHLP works to advance housing justice for the poor by providing legal assistance, advocacy advice and housing expertise to legal services, low-income housing advocacy groups, and others.
National Housing Trust Fund Campaign
National trust fund campaign and legislative information.
National Low Income Housing Coalition
Dedicated to ending America's affordable housing crisis. Weekly news and alerts about affordable housing.
Novogradac Affordable Housing Resource Center
News and information about low-income housing tax credits.
Public Housing Agency Profiles (HUD)
Searchable database with brief descriptions and contact information for Housing Authorities in the US
Public Housing Authorities Directors Association
News articles, studies, resource library, calendar, member directory and other resources related to public housing operations and funding.
Research Institute for Housing America
Publications related to mortgage and housing markets and Annual Conference on Housing Opportunity information from nonprofit sponsored by the Mortgage Bankers Association of America.
Welfare Reform and Housing
Large index of publications, issue papers, links, organizations and state specific initiatives