english deutsch
Advocacy Organizations
Africa, Amnesty International, Asia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Oceania, Advocates for Religious Rights and Freedoms, Andrei Sakharov Archives and Human Rights Center, Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International, Anti-Defamation League, Campaign for UC Divestment from Israel, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Center for Democracy and Human Rights, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Center for International Policy, Chairperson's Note: Global March Against Chil
Affirmative Action
Articles, Legislation, Opposing Views, Supporting Views, Affirmative Action Reconsidered, Americans For a Fair Chance, Rhode Island Coaltion for Affirmative Action, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Affirmative A, The Affirmative Action and Diversity Project, The National Center for Public Policy Research Aff, The New Meritocracy: Recent Affirmative Action Dev
Aiding Abusers
From the Bloodbaths In East Timor to A Suicide in , School of the Americas Watch, Shock Value
Free Speech
Artistic Expression, Censorship, American Civil Liberties Union - Free Speech, AskMen.com : Freedom of Speech in Sports, Atheism and Intraorganizational Free Speech (1996), Campaign Against Online Publishers Fails, Charlton Heston and Political Correctness, College Freedom, First Amendment Cyber-Tribune (FACT), Free Expression Network, Free Speech Movement Archives, Freedom of Expression - Freedom Magazine
Freedom of the Press
2002 Press Freedom Index, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, Cascfen, Centre for Media Freedom Middle East and North Afr, Committee To Protect Journalists, Fox-BGH Alleged Cover-up, freedominfo.org, Index on Censorship, International Freedom of Expression Exchange, International Press Institute (IPI)
News and Media
ACLU - News, Alan Pogue, Texas Center for Documentary Photograp, Campaigning for Fair Trials in the UK, Fortress Europe? - Circular Letter, Fragile Freedoms, Green Valley Media, Guardian Special Report: Freedom of Information, Human Rights News, Human Rights Quarterly, Human Rights Watch
Official Texts
2003 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Declaration of Human Rights, Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Ci, Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Pri, Legal Reference Service from the Association for t, MagnaCartaPlus, Project Diana, The Civil Rights Act 1991, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, University of Minnesota Human Rights Library
Political Prisoners
China, Cuba, Ireland, Tibet, Turkey, United States, Vietnam, A State of Denial, Boycott Brazil, Documents Concerning Political Prisoners in Laos, Free Arzhang Davoudi, Free Payman Piran, Freedom Now, FreeLou, Mexico: Bacilio Is Detained, Rafael Marques Jailed in Angola, Report Criticizing Detention Practice
Prenatal Rights
ACLU Reproductive Freedom: What's Wrong with , Fetal Abuse, Fetal Rights: Unborn Victim, Fetuses Gain Legal Status, Maternal-Fetal Conflict, Rights of the Unborn Under International Law, The Controversy Over Fetal Rights
Advocacy Groups, Cryptography, 4th Amendment, About Your Address, About.com: Privacy Issues, About.com: Carnivore, Against TCPA, AntiPolygraph.org, Australia's Privacy Commissioner's Websi, Carnivore Electronic Surveillance and Diagnostic , CBC Witness: Security Threat, CDT's Guide to Online Privacy
Refugee Rights
African Hope School, Asylum Rights in the 21st Century: A critical reso, BBC: Road to Refuge, Cambridgeshire Against Refugee Detention, Comparisons: Seeking Asylum in Australia and Canad, Danish Refugee Council, Eagle Eyes Association for Afghan Displaced Youth, Echr - Asylum and Immigration Law Review, El Rescate Legal Services, End Child Segregation
Caribbean, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South America, 2002 Human Rights Reports, Asylum seekers on our doorstep, Australia-Cuba Friendship Society - Melbourne, Dangerous Meditation: China's Campaign agains, Gerry Rice Battles Injustice in Northern Ireland, Hell in Paradise, Human Rights Watch: Afghanistan, Human Rights Watch: Uzbekistan, Mexico's Killing Fields - Save Juarez Projec, Nigerian Center for Gender, Health and Human Right
8th Day Center for Social Justice
A multi-issue, social justice center supported and staffed by 30 congregations of nuns, priests and brothers which promotes analysis and action.
Access Human Rights
A portal to human rights resources on the net, including news, government bodies, law, and treaties.
Anita Roddick
The founder of the Body Shop reports and comments on activism, ethical business, human rights and environmentalism in a global perspective.
Artists for a New South Africa
ANSA is a non-profit organization founded and supported by artists, activists and others dedicated to furthering democracy and equality in South Africa and civil rights in the U.S.
Encompasses the full range of data concerning the application of the UN human rights treaty system by its monitoring treaty bodies since their inauguration.
Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change
A research center dedicated to advancing the understanding and pursuing the goals of the American civil rights movement.
Bodhi Journal Human Rights
A collection of links, news and info on human rights with an emphasis on Tibet.
Centre for Development and Human Rights, New Delhi
Academic research centre exploring the linkage between development and human rights. Focus on international law, philosophy, economics and development cooperation.
Child Liberation
Information and perspectives on children's rights and child liberation.
Civil Liberties
From About.com - Columns, link libraries, polls, and discussions about personal liberty issues.
ColorQ Human Rights Corner
Features stories and links on worldwide human rights violations, particularly issues that receive little attention from the Western media.
Commission on Human Security
Two broad areas of research and related consultative processes inform the Commission's deliberations: human insecurities resulting from conflict and violence; and the links between human security and development.
Comparative Democratization Project, Stanford - Hu
Links to Internet resources on human rights.
Concise Guide to Human Rights on the Internet
Resource for finding information about human rights on the internet. Links to organizations worldwide addressing human rights issues.
Derechos Cafe - A Human Rights Hangout
News, articles, links and chat groups about human rights issues.
Development Gateway Youth Portal
Brings young people together to interactively discuss the environment, Youth in Conflict, HIV AIDS, and other development topics. Links to articles on youth and human rights.
Directory of Human Rights Resources on the Interne
Compiled by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Includes brief descriptions of organizations and contact information.
Earth As It Is
Features political, censorship and human rights news from around the world.
For the Record: The UN Human Rights System
Country-by-country summary of the work of UN human rights mechanisms.
Freedom Magazine: In Support of Human Rights
Explores the role of investigative reporting in restoring human rights.
Friends of People Close to Nature
Network of individuals and groups concerned with the survival of savage tribal peoples, in particular hunter-gatherers.
Gendercide Watch
Confronts gender-selective atrocities against men and women worldwide. Includes a growing database of historical and contemporary case-studies of gendercide, research materials, and up-to-date media coverage.
Global Witness homepage
Highlighting the links between environmental exploitation and human rights abuses, particularly where natural resources such as timber, diamonds and oil are used to fund conflict.
Hate Crime Premise
Opinion paper discussing the assumptions behind the trend toward outlawing hate crimes, and the similarity to Orwell's concept of "thoughtcrime."
Provides an overview of individual rights, including parent, student, cyber, property and privacy rights.
Hope 2005 International Conference on Human Rights
The Hope 2005 International Conference on Human Rights will be convened on the 3rd to 5th November 2005, at The Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai, India.
Human and Constitutional Rights
Includes constitutional rights charts, links to human rights and constitutional rights websites, news, and resources.
Human Rights
Resource on United States human rights issues including asylum, the death penalty, land mine manufacturers, police brutality, and prison conditions.
Human Rights & Human Welfare: An International
An international review of books and other publications in the area of global human rights. Published at the Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver.
Human Rights Alerts
From Peace Brigades International.
Human Rights and Liberties Page
Links to articles, resources, organizations, and primary documents dealing with all facets of human rights and freedoms.
Human Rights and Peace Campaign
This is an interactive online human rights server.
Human Rights Discussion List
Active mail list and discussion on subject. Bilingual, English y Español.
Human Rights Education Resource Centre
Includes searchable databases, full-text education and training materials and interactive distance learning tools on human rights.
Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems
HURIDOCS is a global network of organisations concerned with human rights. Functions as a decentralised network in which organisations can handle and exchange information according to their own requirements.
Human Rights Initiative
Multiyear research and dialogue project of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs. Aims to provide critical perspective of what happens when international human rights confront realities on the ground.
Human Rights Internet
Provides human rights publications, information on children's rights and the UN human rights system, and listing of human rights organizations worldwide.
Human Rights Law and Issues at Suite 101
A site of passion on human rights law and issues, as well as humanity for all mankind. Various concepts of human rights law and issues, and country-specific insider views on specific incidents.
Human Rights Net
Non-profit organisation introducing human rights concepts and values into educational curricula and teaching practices. Host to a number of human rights sites, and a listing of resources.
Human Rights Network International (
HRNi publishes academic and reference materials pertaining to a wide range of human rights issues.
Human Rights Professional Interest Council
Harvard's intercommunity human rights resource (HRPIC) is an educational and professional resource as well as communication network for those interested in the practice of human rights.
Human Rights Reporting
Information about an annual seminar at Columbia University surveying the cutting-edge issues in promoting human rights, with a focus on reporting techniques.
Human Rights Voice
Non profit organization involved in the sphere of international human rights, global security, economic development, economic justice and international justice, business and economic rights, and conflict resolution.
Human Rights Watch World Report 2001
Human Rights Watch's eleventh annual review of human rights practices around the globe covers developments in 70 countries. The report reflects extensive investigative work.
Human Rights Watch World Report 2002
Twelfth annual review of human rights practices and developments in sixty-six countries, covering the period from November 2000 through November 2001.
Human Rights Watch World Report 2003
Thirteenth annual review of human rights practices around the globe. Identifies positive and negative trends within the sphere of human rights in fifty-eight countries, covering the period from November 2001 through November 2002.
Human Strategies for Human Rights
Human rights non-profit that provides organizational capacity building, skills training and human rights education to grassroots NGOs.
Categorised links related to the field of international law and international human rights law. In English and French.
Iain Rowan's Human Rights Information
Details of the Wearside, UK branch of Amnesty International. Links to human rights campaigning resources and organisations.
Discusses value of human rights and whether or not governments have the moral right to violate them in defence of human lives.
International Human Rights
Features college papers, posters and links to web sites about international human rights' issues.
International Human Rights Respect
Articles and resources for individuals concerned and interested in all aspects of human rights.
International Human Rights: The Pursuit of an Idea
The goal of this site is to present an objective view of human rights. Topics that have been researched include the history of human rights and the pioneers responsible for it, and issues germane to the topic.
International Network for Economic, Social, and Cu
ESCR-Net brings together diverse groups and activists committed to human rights and social justice in order to share information and strategies, establish stronger links across border and disciplines, develop a collective voice, and facilitate collaborative work among members.
International Protection
NGO devoted to the promotion of human rights and development policies.
Look Into My I :The Freedom Paintings
Rebecca Barrington's plea for privacy in the public sector. Eight powerful freedom paintings from the LuLu Eccentrix Art Gallery depicting the loss of freedom.
Martus Project
An open-source technology tool that assists nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) collect information on human rights abuses.
Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM)
Studies and gathers human rights documentation.
Peaceful Action: A place to speak out
Offers a forum and news about human rights related and environmental issues. It is a platform where anyone can voice his or her opinion.
Rights Advocates
An interactive medium for expression of breaches of human rights. Also information and advice on human rights can be found here.
Rights and Liberties
Offers links to recent news about human rights and civil liberties.
Rights Consortium
A team of Non-Governmental Organizations dedicated to promoting the rule of law and human rights worldwide.
Speak Truth To Power
Dedicated to the promotion of human rights awareness. A not-for-profit organization that seeks to proactively engage the general public in an ongoing series of issue-related programs and events.
Stop Abuse of Vulnerable People
Stopping abusive institutions, exposing abusers and helping survivors, uncovering pedophile rings in Childrens Homes and protesting abusive mental health treatment.
Strategic Choices in the Design of Truth Commissio
Site seeks to aid decision makers in societies interested in establishing a Truth Commission via analysis of the structure, design choices, and impacts of past Commissions.
The Business of Torture
Article by Dr. Sam Vaknin describes some examples of the business of torture in various countries.
The Center for Justice and Accountability
Works to deter torture and other severe human rights abuses around the world by helping survivors hold their persecutors accountable.
The Human Rights Initiative at Georgia Institute o
This site is dedicated to publishing information on human rights, technology and globalization at Georgia Tech and in the wider world.
The Human Rights Web
Human rights resources including links to relevant documents.
The International Association for Religious Freedo
Supports freedom of religion and belief as defined by international law. The IARF has general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
The International Monitor Institute Archives
Advanced media research for human rights. Video, audio and photography pertaining to human rights worldwide, particularly in the former Yugoslavia, Burma, Cambodia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and the Middle East.
The Observer - Special Reports: Liberty Watch
Covers international events and issues about balancing civil liberties and security, featuring an ongoing collection of news, analysis and comment.
The United States and 'The Challenge of Relat
Review by US political dissident Noam Chomsky of the United States' own appalling record on human rights - not in the distant past, but in the last 50 years and continuing right up to this day.
Together against Torture
Describes the horrible crime of torture, and the passivity of bystanders. Offers ideas and links to take action, and links to U.S. and international organizations.
Torture by Proxy
Karen L. Snell,a specialist in constitutional litigation and international extradition, comments on Kenneth Starr's comments in The Washington Post suggesting the U.S. should cast aside traditional civil liberties in the fight against terrorism.
U.S. Report Stresses Religious Rights
In releasing the annual assessment of human rights in other countries, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright pledged to make the promotion of religious liberty a top priority of U.S. foreign policy.
U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rig
The reports cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Updated annually.
U.S. State Department on religious intolerance
Details from the second annual report on international religious freedom from the U.S. State Department. Examples of religious intolerance provided. Article dated Sept 2000.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Human Rights Council
Works toward correcting the human rights violations of those governments who distort, deny, and delude their own history to disguise genocides, massacres, and human rights violations. Includes sections on various cases.
United Nations Agreements on Human Rights
Summary page with links to full document.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Childre
Text of the convention provided by Save The Children Canada.
University of Minnesota Human Rights Meta Search E
Meta search engine for searching multiple human rights sites. Library contains a large collection of international human rights, and links to other human rights and international law sites.
USA Patriot Act in Bellingham
Talking points on the USA Patriot Act and transcript of the referendum to be put to the Bellingham City Council.
Visual Encounters with the Human Effort
Photos from humanitarian missions by Denise Blievert. Focus on children and post-war situations.
White Rose
Protest blog collective focusing on civil liberties in the United Kingdom and the rest of world.
World Audit of Democracy and Human Rights
Focus is on democracy, human rights, press freedom, corruption and the rule of law. Daily news on democracy and human rights, links and e-commerce facilities for human rights publications.