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Articles and Reports
Faith-Based Welfare Reform A Constitutional Criss, How The Welfare State Works, Is Welfare Unconstitutional?, National Evaluation of the Welfare-to-Work Grants , The Urban Institute - Does Work Pay?, Welfare Reform May Inadvertently Harm Children, Welfare Reform: An Issue Overview, Welfare Reform: Family Cap Laws Reviewed, Work-or-jail child support requirement upheld by a
Earned Income Tax Credit
Almanac of Policy Issues: EITC, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Earned Inc, The Taxonomist
Administration for Children and Families Office of
The federal agency that administers the federal government's primary welfare program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
Almanac of Policy Issues: Welfare
Background information and links on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and U.S. federal welfare policy generally.
Emergency Committee to Defend Constitutional Welfa
Establishes basis in U.S. Constitution and obligatory international law for right to decent relief for the involuntarily unemployed and that "workfare" as practised is prohibited involuntary servitude (forced labor).
An online community of nonprofit organizations concerned with low-income issues. Includes articles and alerts from participating organizations, some of which relate to welfare and workfare.
Heritage Foundation: Welfare
Research and related welfare information from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative policy think tank.
Joint Center for Poverty Research
A national and interdisciplinary research institute that examines what it means to be poor in America. Features academic research written for a lay audience on a variety of topics, including welfare programs, education, health, housing, employment, and crime.
Multiple reports regarding welfare and welfare reform from this nonprofit, nonpartisan social policy research organization
Moving Ideas: Welfare
Studies and reports on USA welfare issues from a liberal perspective.
Social Policy: Welfare, Society and the State
Social policy is the study of the welfare state, and the range of responses to social need. This is a brief introduction to the subject.
UPM against Poverty SA
Provides information, links, newsletter, and events calendar.
Urban Institute
Policy think tank that tracks welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and other domestic policy issues.
Walk a Mile Project
Training materials, discussion board, and links for Walk a Mile, which trains local organizations to sponsor "Walk a Mile" projects that bring together policymakers with their low-income constituents to promote dialogue and understanding.
Welfare Information Network (WIN)
A clearinghouse for information, policy analysis and technical assistance on welfare reform.
Welfare Law Center
Works with and on behalf of low-income people to ensure that adequate income support -- public funding provided on the basis of need -- is available whenever and to the extent necessary to meet basic needs and foster healthy human and family development.
Welfare Law Center: Low Income Networking and Comm
Where low-income organizers can come together to combat the shredding of the social safety net and have their efforts represented.
Welfare Rights Advocacy Pages
Addresses the failures of the social service system and offers advice for struggling clients.
Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition
Seattle-based coalition of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients. Includes newsletter, fact sheets, and event announcements.
Welfare-Mom Homepage
Dedicated to issues of importance to low-income families. Welfare myth-busting, original features, and resources for parents, kids, and job-seekers. Covers single-parent, working class, public policy and feminist issues.