english deutsch
Arthur R. Butz, Campaign for Radical Truth in History, Carlos Whitlock Porter, Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, David Irving's Action Report, Historical Review Press By James Buckley, Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoe, Institute for Historical Review, Noontide Press
ADL Watch
Essays critical of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.
American Defense League
Editorializing that Jews are our 'common enemy', and against Israel's conduct.
Blacks and Jews Newspage
Perspective on the historical relationship between blacks and jews.
David Duke Online
Website critical of Israel, the Jewish people, and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.
David Irving - The ADL: Global Smearmongers
Essays and editorials attacking the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai Brith.
Jew Watch
Archive of essays, articles and online books about a perceived international Jewish conspiracy.
John 'Birdman' Bryant
Espousing holocaust revisionism, and arguing that innate 'Jewish behavior' constitutes an assault on America and the West.
La Voz De Aztlan
Mexican site, presenting essays and articles critical of U.S. foreign policy, and attacking Israel and Zionism.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Attacking Dr. King as a corrupt communist, under the control of a Marxist Jewish conspiracy.
Serbian Defense League
Arguing that prominent Jewish persons have conspired to demonize the Serbs, and that the Holocaust did not occur.
The Heretical Press
Publisher offering essays, articles and books on such subjects as genetics, eugenics, sexuality, cannibalism, and holocaust revisionism.
The Jewish Tribal Review
Links to online articles critical of Zionism, and alleging Jewish ethnocentrism, racism, crime, and excessive power and influence.
Ukrainian Archive
Attacks on Israeli policy, its justice system, alleged Jewish communist activity in the Ukraine, and Jewish influence in American media.
Vote For USA
Arguing that a massive Jewish conspiracy controls the United States government and its policies.