english deutsch
Anti-Defamation League - The Holocaust
Articles and resources on Holocaust history and the activities of revisionists.
Body Disposal at Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust-D
Essay documenting how hundreds of thousands of bodies were disposed of at the Auschwitz death camp, and refuting the claims of holocaust revisionists.
David Irving
Information presented by the Nizkor Project - includes the complete transcripts and judgment of "Irving v. Lipstadt."
David Irving: Holocaust Denier Update
Describes recent activities of David Irving, and his troubles in finding an audience.
Did Hitler know about the holocaust?
Psychological assessment of Hitler, concluding that he was fully aware of the implementation of the Holocaust.
Documentary Resources on the Nazi Genocide and its
Includes poems, bibliography, many essays and some complete books by authors such as Pierre Vidal-Naquet, challenging Holocaust revisionism. In English and French.
FAQs.org - Holocaust Index
A series of FAQs addressing the claims of Holocaust revisionists.
Giving the Devil His Due
Arguing that the suppression of Holocaust revisionist arguments is counter-productive, and the best means of refutation is to include them in a robust public debate, illustrated by excerpts of exchanges with revisionists and anti-semites.
Guardian: David Irving - Special Reports
A collection of articles on Holocaust denier David Irving.
Holocaust Denial on Trial
Comprehensive site on the Irving-Lipstadt/Penguin libel trial, compiled by the defence. Includes court transcripts, expert testimony and analysis of the trial.
Holocaust History Project
Essays, and reproductions of documents, which expose and debunk the claims of Holocaust deniers. Includes over 1,000 pages from such sources as the International Military Trial at Nuremberg, and documentation of homicidal gas chambers.
Jewish Virtual Library - Holocaust Denial
An overview of Holocaust revisionism, describing the major groups and individuals involved with that movement, and presenting rebuttals to common revisionist claims.
Nizkor FTP Directory: David Irving
Collection of writings about the refutation of Holocaust by a Holocaust denial historian.
Rich Green's Homepage
Exposes, refutes, and parodies Holocaust deniers. Maintained by an individual member of the Holocaust History Project.
Skeptic's Dictionary: Holocaust Denial and Na
Quick overview of Holocaust denial from a skeptic's point of view.
The Mad Revisionist
Parody of the common claims made by Holocaust revisionists.
The Nizkor Project
Leading site that refutes the lies propagated by Holocaust denial, as well as educating about the history of the Holocaust.
williscarto.com - Resources against Holocaust deni
Site that provides information about individual Holocaust deniers and organisations, the nature of the distortions in which they engage, as well as antisemitism in general.