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Academic Info: Religion
Internet resources for the study of religion. Includes pages on religious studies and comparative religion.
CBC News: India
CBC News report on the religious tension between the Hindus and the Muslims in India.
Exploration of religion on the Web, featuring reporting, interviews, and sound. From Time magazine.
Heal The Church
A New York State non-profit that is dedicated to ending the crisis in the Catholic Church by thoroughly investigating the issues related to the crisis.
Interfaith Working Group Online
Religious diversity and social issues such as equal rights for sexual minorities, reproductive freedom, and separation of church and state. Includes news, opinions, links, and opportunities for action.
Mysticism in World Religions
Comparison of mysticism regarding various world religions.
Observer: Islam and the West
Includes various news articles and commentary from the UK Sunday newspaper on Islam in western society.
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
This site has three main purposes. One to disseminate accurate religious information, second to expose religious fraud, and third to disseminate information on so called "hot" religious topics.
Pagan Unity Campaign
A political action group dedicated to securing equitable treatment of pagans in the United States. Includes contact directory and news from current projects.
Pluralism Project
Developed by Diana L. Eck at Harvard University to study and document the growing religious diversity of the United States, with a special view to its new immigrant religious communities.
The Crescent and the Cross
Includes information on religions of the Ottoman Empire as a case study in tolerance, inter-ethnic, and inter-religious collaboration and conflict.
Virtual Religion Index
Designed as a quick tool for students. Highlights important content of religion related websites with hyperlinks to homepages, major subsites, directories, and documents.
What is Aril- Cross Currents
Brings to the internet selected topics of the major world religions with movies, reviews, chat, spirituality, newsletter, and humor.