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Alliance for Bio-Integrity
Protecting the consumers right to eat safe genetically unaltered food.
Biotechnology Watch
Page with links to biotechnology articles.
Campaign to Ban Genetically Engineered Foods
Articles and links in multiple languages concerning genetically engineered foods.
Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods
Offers news updates, educational information and letters people can send to their US Congressional Representatives in support of labeling legislation.
Friends of the Earth: Genetically Modified Food
UK national campaign outlines its aims, concerns about genetically engineered foods, a shopper's guide and an action plan.
Genetech Discussion
Supports discussions against genetic engineering.
Genetic Engineering
Jeremy Rifkin applies for patent on human gene scrambling to prevent anyone doing it for 20 years.
Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers
Large links list to general, ethical and technical information about the dangers of genetic engineering in general and its use in food production, biowarfare and human beings.
Genetically Engineered Food
Health and environmental risks with scientific findings. News, information, regulation, campaigns, links, books.
Genetically Engineered Food Alert
Advocates FDA-mandated testing and labeling of GE foods. Learning resources and activism information.
Genetically-Engineered Food Dangers
Features articles critical of genetically engineered food, links and listservs.
From urban75, "one of the UK's busiest online magazines". Contains a large list of contacts and links to further information.
Genetix Update
The UK Genetic Engineering Network (GEN) is an information sharing network for anyone actively campaigning against genetic engineering.
GeneWatch UK
Concerned with the ethics and risks of genetic engineering. Fact sheets, publications and a database of GM crops and foods. (Please note that GeneWatch UK should not be confused with The Council for Responsible Genetics in the USA which publishes a newsletter called GeneWatch.)
Greenpeace Action Alert: Genetically Engineered Fo
Greenpeace Reports on genetic engineered foods and other issues involving GE. Everything you wanted to know about GE, but didn't know who to ask.
Greenpeace's True Food Network
Up-to-date information from Greenpeace USA on genetically modified foods and actions you can take to make food safety a reality.
Keep Maine Free From Genetically Engineered Crops
State wide coalition introducing a bill calling for the moratorium on growing genetically engineered crops throughout the state of Maine.
Organic Consumers Association
For the labeling of genetically engineered or biotech or GMO or Novel food, and encouraging organic food and pesticide reduction. A clearinghouse for activists.
People Worldwide Grappling with Genetic Manipulati
People in the Orient , the Southern Hemisphere, and Europe have been refusing to have genetically-altered crops in their soil.
Planet Earth Issues Homepage - The New Gold Rush
An article describing the race between pharmaceutical companies to patent human DNA for profit. Ethical issues are addressed including the danger of creating a genetic underclass.
Totnes Genetic Group
Anti-GM food site with long list of links to other like-minded organizations, message board, and news.
Totnes Genetics Group - Don't Let Them Play W
Campaign resource site for raising issues about genetic engineering. News of local, national and international biotechnology activity, links, articles and databases.
Wholesome Goodness Productions
Links, resources and videos about industrial agriculture, biotechnology and sustainable alternatives. They're fed up!