english deutsch
Aksai Chin is ours, says China
Article on Beijing's reassertion of its claim on territory gained in the Sino-Indian war of 1962.
CNN.com - Aksai Chin: China's disputed slice
It may be nothing but an ice desert with little geographical, economic or military value but the dotted red line of disputed territory still encompasses a slice of Tibetan plateau known as Aksai Chin.
Free Ladakh! Free Sikkim Now!
Discussion and debate on the regions and their people.
India - China
Examinaion of relations and conflicts between India and China since the 1950s.
India - War with China
Review of the 1962 Sino-Indian war and its consequences.
Ladakhis seek independence from Kashmir
Article on the conflict.
Lessons from an ancient culture
An interview with Helena Norberg-Hodge, about her work in a pristine, ancient Himalayan culture as it faced the siren song of western-style development.
Sino-Indian Border Dispute - Why the President dre
Article on attempts by China and India to resolve the dispute.