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The "Scots Independence Tour" covers the current situation, historical perspective, and prospects for the future.
Paul Welsh
Ideas for an independent Scotland, policies on land reform, citizens income and soverignty.
Priority Independence
Contains articles from a variety of sources, which represent a spectrum of ideas on Scottish independence.
Scots for Independence
A group demanding total independence for Scotland, they condemn the SNP as gradualist. Includes Scottish history from Calgacus onwards, articles and links.
Scottish independence Web server
Marking Scotlands move towards independence and Westminsters attempts to stop or subvert these moves.
Scottish Separatist Group/Scottish National Libera
Goal of restoring Gaelic as the national tongue, halting immigration from England and establishing an independent Scottish republic. Information about the group and a discussion forum.
Siol nan Gaidheal
Cultural and fraternal organization supporting Scottish independence. Includes the Declaration of Arbroath, constitution and principles, and position statements on issues from agriculture to the women's movement.
Stand Up For Scotland
Non-violent civil resistance group dedicated to the Independence of Scotland.
The Treaty (or Act) of Union 1707
The document used to subsume the Scottish state into a union between Scotland and England.