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About the Anti-Arab, Anti-Muslim Backlash
Directory of news articles and information about the tragedy and its backlash upon Arab and Muslim Americans.
ADL Responds to Violence and Harassment
Anti-Defamation League responses to incidents of violence and harassment against Arab Americans, Muslim Americans and other individuals or groups that are perceived to be of Middle Eastern descent. Also commentary from groups, ranging from civil rights groups to extremist organizations.
Amnesty International: The Backlash
Statement by AI on the racist attacks against Muslim, Asian and Middle Eastern people.
An Appropriate Response
Information regarding the events of September 11, 2002, Middle East regional and cultural background, alternatives to war and American Arab civil rights
Arizona Republic: Hate crime report a hoax, studen
The Arizona State University junior admitted the crime he reported previously was a hoax.
ASDC: Communities Respond to the Attacks on the Wo
Compilation of events, activities, and information that are related to the recent attacks and the backlash against Arabs and other Muslims. Includes fact sheets and educational resources for schools, the public, and the media.
Attack on America - Islamic Resource Center
Provides reactions from muslim leaders, a list of muslim victims, news on the anti-muslim backlash in US and information on islam.
BBC News: Extra police to protect Muslims
Police draft in more officers and take extra measures to protect UK Muslims from violent reaction to the US terror attacks.
BBC News: Pigs' heads left at Islamic centre
Reports of vandalism and arson at mosques.
BBC News: Racist attack on Afghan taxi driver
Police are investigating a racial attack in which remarks were made about the atrocities in the US which left an Afghan minicab driver paralyzed.
BBC News: Scottish Muslims describe fears
Muslims meet to draw up a plan to change attitudes, Sikhs report fears, too.
Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Bozeman minority resident
Kathlenn O'Toole reports that at least two residents of this Montana community have suffered unprovoked attacks since the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Cincinatti Enquirer: Muslim criticizes backlash
Dr. Salem Foad explains what it is to be Muslim and why America should not stereotype an entire religion.
Cincinnati Enquirer: Muslims say they can feel the
The Ohio office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which receives about two calls about threats or harassment against Muslims per week, received more than 70 calls September 12th.
Cincinnati Enquirer: Muslims urged to give aid
Kevin Aldridge and Earnest Winston report that area Muslims have called on their community to donate blood, give money and pray for the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11th. They plead with the public not to take out its anger on them.
Cincinnati Post: Muslim Americans suffer terrorist
Thomas Hargrove writes of the backlash that some Muslims across America have faced as part of the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Cincinnati Post: Muslims battle backlash spurred b
Stephen Huba writes of the anti-Muslim backlash and speaks to several Muslims in the local area who have been affected by the hostility.
CNN: Arab-American community 'keeping its hea
Reports of death threats, attacks, and hate messages.
CNN: Bush denounces Muslim harassment
Those directing their anger against Muslims in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon should be ashamed, President Bush said Monday.
CNN: Hate crime reports up in wake of terrorist at
Reports of hate crimes against Muslims and southeast Asians have risen exponentially across the U.S.
CNN: Immigrants fear backlash to terror attacks
The fear of a backlash cuts across several immigrant communities in the United States after reports that one Sikh in Phoenix, Arizona, and one Pakistani in Dallas, Texas, have been killed in what the police suspect could be hate crimes.
CNN: Jewish, Arab groups join to fight 'backl
Representatives of a dozen Jewish, Arab and community groups came together Wednesday to speak out against what they see as a surging racist backlash against Muslims and Arabs in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the United States.
CNN: Man questioned in shooting death of Sikh
Police question a man in the shooting death of a gas station owner in Mesa, Arizona.
CNN: Mosque firebombed in Australia
Molotov cocktails were thrown at a mosque in Brisbane, Queensland.
CNN: Muslims targets in terror backlash
Reports of an upsurge in anti-Muslim attacks all over Europe.
CNN: Schools deal with anti-Arab backlash
An article about death threats and harassment in schools with resources for parents and teachers.
Columbus Dispatch Online: Bridging Differences
An editorial against ill-informed, anti-Muslim sentiment stressing shared beliefs between America's many different cultures.
DC Indymedia: Arabs, Muslims, Others Face Violence
A summary of some of the recent incidents in the Washington D.C. area.
Ethnic and Religious Profiling in America
Anai Rhoads reports on incidents of abuse directed against Arab-Americans since 911.
KCJ: Innocent plea in hate attack on Sikh cabby
A San Diego man pleads innocent to a malicious harassment charge in Seattle, a cab company reports trying to accommodate drivers and passengers.
Minneapolis/St. Paul Star Tribune: NWA regrets kic
Northwest Airlines voices regret after removing four Arab-American men from a connecting flight when passengers refused to fly with them.
A response to the 9/11 tragedy by muslim organisations, offering news, information on islam, resources and links to the founding organisations.
Muslims Against Terrorism
Quotes from the Quron showing Islam prohibits terrorism and demands peace, FAQ, and hate crime reporting. [Flash required]
OutLookIndia.com: Alone In The Crowd
An article by Kamla Bhatt about hate crimes against Asians and the factors involved. [Free registration required to view.]
Rediff.com: Complaints of harassment of Muslims ri
Police in the Canadian city have received about 95 complaints of harassment and physical assaults from Muslims and members of the local Arab community in the past month.
Rediff.com: Now New Zealand Sikhs target of racial
Threats to Sikh gurdwaras (prayer halls) and the community by extremist organisations have been reported, also two Hindu temples have been vandalized.
Rediff.com: Sikh student shot at in US hate crime
A college student reports being harassed and shot at while driving on a highway.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Community answers targ
Lewis Kamb reports that Jews, Christians, and Buddhists joined Muslims for an interfaith service at a mosque the day after an attempted arson, just one in a string of anti-Islamic acts reported in the area since September 11th.
Seattle Times: Beaten Sikh is out of the Hospital
Relates two separate attacks on Sikh men, and sympathy forthem expressed by SeaTac residents.
Seattle Times: Understanding turbans: Don't l
Includes an illustrated guide to turbans, in response to reports of attacks on Sikhs in the local area.
Includes news, hate crimes reporting, information about Sikh faith, and Sikh business professionals network.
South Asian American Leaders of Tomorrow
Non-profit group supporting South Asian-American youth. Programs, services, and a report of over 600 hate crimes in one week [PDF]. [Flash required]
St. Petersburg Times: Hatred's broad black br
Report of a St. Petersburg, Florida, man of Palestinian heritage who was harassed and received a death threat.
St. Petersburg Times: In a country they love, a do
A column by Mary Jo Malone about a local woman attacked because she is from Afghanistan.
St. Petersburg Times: Mail brings slur, threat to
In the second recent anti-Islamic incident in St. Petersburg, a family flees their home.
St. Petersburg Times: Muslims feel local backlash
Across the Tampa Bay area, Muslims and Arab-Americans say they have felt the heat of anger from fellow Americans.
Terror and Fear
Compilation of news on the aftermath of the september 11 attacks for the Muslim Communities in the US.
The Chronicle: Attack on Indian Student at U. of I
The Indian student was physically attacked by a fellow student who called him a "terrorist." The incident escalated into a fight involving over 30 people.
The Council on American Islamic Relations
News, condemnation of terrorist attacks, Muslim civil rights in the US, anti-Muslim incidents, hate crime reporting, Muslim lawyer locator, and information about Islam and American Muslims.
The Muslim Council of Britain
Includes news, incident reporting, fact sheets, and newsletters.
The Nation: Scapegoats
An article by Sumana Raychaudhuri comparing the current hostilities to those following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1984.
Tolerance, Civil Rights, and Justice in Wake of Se
Statement from the US Commission on Civil Rights urging Americans to resist the temptation to unfairly target the members of any ethnic or religious group. Includes hotline for reporting racial violence, and journalist's guide of facts about the Arab American community.
United States: "We are Not the Enemy"
Human Rights Watch reports on hate crimes after September 11 against Arabs, Muslims, and those perceived to be Arab or Muslim and the local, state and federal response to it.
ZMag: Revenge Comes Home
Commentary by Sonia Shah about who "they" are and loaded poll questions.