english deutsch
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
Information on the terrorist splinter group formed in 1994 after the Irish Republican Army announced a cease-fire.
Background, methods of operation, activities and other information about the Irish Republican Army.
IRA - Irish Republican Army
Description of the group, its activities, strength and sources of support.
Ireland's Own: IRA
History and current articles about and statements from the Real Irish Republican Army, Provisional IRA and Continutity IRA.
Irish Republican Army
Provides descriptions and photographs of several organizations which refer to themselves as the IRA, as well as an account of the Troubles, descriptions of the RUC and Garda, and related links.
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Information on the IRA and documents such as the IRA's statement on disarmament and peace agreement.
Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia
Traces the history of the IRA back to the Michael Collins era to the various offshoots existing today.
Irish Republican Army Information Site
Information on the Irish Republican Army and Sein Fein from republican and unionist sources.
Policy of the Irish Republican Army
Read an article published by Gareth Jones for the Western Mail newspaper in 1933.
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA); True IRA
A profile of offshoots of the Provisiional IRA.
Sinn Fein IRA Exposed
Biographies of Sinn Fein members from a loyalist perspective.
The Irish Republican Army and the armed struggle i
Article examines the history of the Irish republican movement.
Up The Ra
Continuity IRA-sympathetic information about Irish Republicanism and the IRSM, with descriptions of republican groups (both political and armed), discussion forum, and news headlines.